Michael Rozeff's Rational Mind On Neo-Socialist Trump

Started by Wake-up!, March 20, 2020, 09:38:01 AM

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"Asked if he would support the federal government moving to take an equity stake in some companies, Trump said: 'I do. I really do.'

Everything gets twisted into knots. This kind of behavior cannot go on. The politics are so intertwined with false ideas about economics and economic history that any rational discussion is out of the question. There can be no right reason based upon false axioms and premises. The country is being led by politicians who have built upon flawed foundations for way too many years. You cannot build on lies and false ideas. The result is that the house is sinking and showing signs of collapsing.
-Michael Rozeff

Read the rest here:

The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate


Good one!

The foundation of the Republican Party is socialism, not American conservatism.  That's why we can't depend upon Republicans to be leading conservatives in America because Republicans are not truly conservative.  There's no way for them to ever be true conservatives except to make a clean break with the Republican Party, its principles and thinking.

Long ago, the Democrats abandoned the principles of Thomas Jefferson to accept the Marxist principles held by the Republican party.

Think Jeffersonian - think Confederate.  The Founders were right.

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