CDC Contradicts Trump On CV19 Origin . . . . And Other Viral Misdirections

Started by Wake-up!, March 19, 2020, 07:20:44 AM

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"And on March 12, in a statement to the US Congress (House Oversight Committee), CDC Director Robert Redfield unwittingly "spilled the beans". He candidly admitted, yes, some cases diagnosed as seasonal flu could have been coronavirus.
When did this occur? In October, November? What is the chronology.  It is worth noting that Redfield's statement is corroborated by both Japanese and Taiwanese virologists.  Two countries which are staunch allies of the USA."

"@CDCDirector Dr. Robert Redfield: Some cases that were previously diagnosed as Flu in the US were actually #COVID19. It is absolutely WRONG and INAPPROPRIATE to call this the Chinese coronavirus."
— Hua Chunying 华春莹 (@SpokespersonCHN) March 12, 2020

[So it originated in the US, Trump has lied, or was totally misled. Choose your poison. And some of the common flu was Coronavirus. Well, heck, how many of us had that? And how many of us now have immunity because of our exposure? And how many of us do NOT need any form of isolation or quarantine?]

[The article goes on to talk about the economic chaos that has resulted from the 'pandemic', suggesting it is a designed economic collapse of China and Europe to keep the US the strongest nation. How's that working out as the stock market tanks?]

Here is the report;
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The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate

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