Unrest In The Pacific Northwest

Started by Wake-up!, February 19, 2020, 09:10:11 AM

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"Rural counties have become increasingly outraged by laws coming out of the Oregon Legislature that threaten our livelihoods, our industries, our wallet, our gun rights, and our values," Mike McCarter, one of the chief petitioners, said in a news release. "We tried voting those legislators out, but rural Oregon is outnumbered and our voices are now ignored. This is our last resort."

Here is the full article;  https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/02/17/oregon-idaho-border-petition-secede/4789936002/

[Rural Kansas is also outnumbered, and only given lip service by Topeka, although the situation is less severe here because Kansas does not yet have the extreme Socialist Democrats that Oregon has. Give it time. It is time to be uncomfortable, It is time for rural areas to organize and restructure themselves so the big cities can no longer suck the rural areas dry.

BTW, Oregon secession is not new. Back in the 1960's Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington were known as the Inland Empire, a large, mostly rural area whose economy was natural resource based. And private plane traffic exceeded commercial plane traffic at the regional airport as ranchers from British Columbia, Manitoba, Alberta, Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho would fly in for buying and selling. At the time the Inland Empire was disgusted with the high taxes and regulations imposed by the State governments in Salem and Olympia. The cry for a new State was made, to be named Columbiana. And now, the same problem circles back, and the same solution is called for.]
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate

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