And We Call It Government

Started by Wake-up!, September 28, 2019, 11:33:52 AM

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In the 60's this scene could very well have been a comedy that Cheech and Chong commented appropriately on. Or in the early 80's had SNL edit in 'passing gas' every time the gavel fell.

Check out the razor cut stuffed shirt who is highly offended that any federal employee should be insulted. Has he ANYTHING meaningful to say? Has he ever served the people in ANY sort of meaningful way?

Look at the high blood pressure sheriff and the uniform he's stuffed in. It makes him look like a military General. Anyone suppose that DHS has funded the clown's tactical branch in his police department, as well as his clothing allotment?

Then there's the bull dog former Director of ICE who fumbles over his thoughts, spits as he speaks, and obviously from the dialog, panders to whomever occupies the Oval Office. But his 'I'm a taxpayer, you work for me' is honest and accurate. I've used it to be excused from jury duty one time.

Then there's the babe with the gavel (the term 'babe' is used very loosely). Now there is a control freak (falsely) believing she has power. Imagine her pounding another gavel at the dinner table every evening. She is the epitome of everything wrong with government. Honesty, integrity, substance, and transparency are not important, but due process and fairness in government are.

That four minute clip is more comedy than leadership. And a comedy of errors at that.

Why do Americans consistently elect such buffoons, then stand by mutely while other buffoons are appointed to high-payng, tax-funded positions?
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate

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