Kamala Harris: Prices Are Inhumane

Started by redcliffsw, January 31, 2019, 05:48:53 AM

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For the benefits of medical science to be spread more widely among poorer people, their costs have to be reduced. This can be done by removing government from medical markets.
-Michael Rozeff



Kamala Harris, who wants to be Commander-in-Chief of the World, has announced that prices and markets are "inhumane."  This idiocy reminded me of something an economics student of mine said last year.  This was a sophomore in college who had been through thirteen years of Catholic School education.  After a few weeks of my microeconomics class he expressed his surprise at what he had learned about how markets actually work because, paraphrasing, he said: "I had always been taught that business people were immoral because they profit from peoples' needs."  This is the kind of moronic, communistic nonsense that school children are often indoctrinated with, especially in Catholic schools.
-Thomas DiLorenzo


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