Soothing Words From A Vice Admiral

Started by CCarl, December 11, 2023, 01:28:06 PM

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Here's Vice Admiral Christopher Grady assuring Americans they can sleep safely, that 'his' Navy can successfully support wars against Russia, China, and Hezbollah-Hamas-Iran. Do you believe him? Oh, did I forget ALL-AT-THE-SAME-TIME? Still believe him?

I don't believe him . . . . but look at all those peace-time ribbons pinned on his chest to show us he knows his stuff. I'll bet one was awarded for eating C-rats at the O Club at NATO HQ at Ramstein AFB in Germany. No doubt that was a unit commendation. Anyone see a Purple Heart? Uh, that wouldn't be a unit commendation. Where did that fancy uniform come from, Christian Dior? Reminds me of India's Prime Minister Nehru. But the similarity ends with that collar fashion-statement. Truly, oxymoronic times we live in that we are expected to trust this Naval Officer who is dressed to compare him to a man who led his people to freedom from tyrannical Great Britain.

I think DOD is nuts for considering the possibility that our insane President, or the next one [only slightly less insane], would lead the military down three warpaths at once. I better reread that article to see if 'limited nuclear war' is also mentioned. That's another insanity on the table all too often.

But, if three war fronts are in the planning stages, then so is the Draft, and this time it will be boys AND girls over age seventeen. Won't that raise hell with American family values, girls get to be pawns on the DOD war-chessboard right next to the boys. Hell, I bet they draft non-binaries too, and probably bunk all of them in the same common barracks. Let the war games begin, eh?

The good news in all that [if ya want to call any of it good] is all teens will have a job waitin' them soon as high school is over, even if they've attended the flunky public schools in rural Kansas. No remedial education needed, no more unemployment, a three-front war is Bidenomics at its best, aka government guaranteed jobs! And hell, y'all will get clean uniforms, shiny shoes, and a chance for your own ribbons, along with your belly full of C-rats! Oo-Rah!

Doesn't sound so good? Well, there are a few ways out. Two that I know of are diabetes and obesity. So start poundin' down all the deep-fried fast food, ice cream, and sugar you can find.

My PTSD is pushing my BP higher just thinking about all this. Dang it, now my heart's skipping . . . . MEDIC!! Where the hell are they when ya need one?!

And we need a handful of 'em 'cause DC, Langley, and the Pentagon are all psychotic. Pass me some donuts.

The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all, it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality.

Bib Overalls built America; Business Suits destroyed America.


I said soothing sarcastically, as most of the readers would understand. I say it because I do not believe we can even win a one-on-one war with any of those enemy elements. Here is why.

Can you perceive a war with Russia or Hamas-Hezbollah-Iran that does NOT put China on our enemy's side? I can't. And that article is the reason why the USA loses. Winning is not mere technology, nor planning, it is much more supply of everything to the military, and supply to keep Americans clothed, warm, and with full bellies while the war is waged.

Look at the numbers of flagged cargo ships in that article, Vice Admiral. Chinese cargo vessels outnumber ours forty to one [40:1). If our weapons' technology eliminates two-thirds of China's cargo vessels, and China's technology only eliminates one-third of ours, China's cargo fleet still outnumbers ours twenty to one [20:1]. And there is where the war is lost. America will leave soldiers without food and ammo on the battlefield, much like the DOD and State Dept left Americans stranded in Afganistan a few years ago when our leadership packed up and came home.

A wise leader will lead us to Peace, not to war.
The aim of public education is not to spread enlightenment at all, it is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality.

Bib Overalls built America; Business Suits destroyed America.

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