High School Days

Started by Teresa, August 12, 2006, 04:25:21 PM

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The High School memories...........
Let me start this thread.. and I KNOW that each and every one of us has memories and stories to tell about days in school. I don't care if you were in high school in the 20's or the 90's.. there are stories.. so come on folks..
Let's bring them back to life. ;D

Agnus Barnaby was mentioned on another thread..
(hee hee hee) Who in the world had Mrs Barnaby that doesn't remember her standing up in class and reaching inside her blouse and tugging on her bra strap.. :D
She tried her best to make me understand algebra..and to this day I can't tell you squat from sic-cim about any of it. To say I hated Math is an understatement.
I copied off Helen Koop every single day and so I got A's on my daily work and F's on my test.
Doesn't take a real rocket scientist to figure out that one.  :-\
But I have managed..all these years.. to do the books for the Hardware store and for the gun leather buisness today, so I guess Algebra wasn't really needed after all. LOL

Remember the old radiators in the school? Unless you sat right beside them( with all of the popping and crackling) you were freezing. and if you were right beside them you were sweating ...
In the summer time. the 3rd floor was so hot. The band room was like an oven, and I was glad that we had practice in the mornings.

And when I was in school ( 1968-1971) girls were not allowed to wear slacks. We had to wear dresses or skirts..and until we were seniors.. the principal would stop us in the hall and measure our skirt hems .. to see if they were the appropriate length ...which was 2 inches above the knee..
Yuck.,... I use to hate that..
We would wear them to school and then roll the waist band up .. when we saw him coming with his trusty ruler, we would quickly unroll them..  ;)

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I never understood algebra either, so I took General Math, and for awhile a certain person was sitting beside me, copying off of my assignments/homework.  So one day I decided I would write down all the wrong answers, as I was doing the assignment for the next day.  I had Study Hall right after General Math, so I went there and re-done all of the assignment.  Come the next day, when Gary flunked the assignment, he just coulsn't understand why, since I came up with a above average grade.  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Ya know......in thinking back, how certain subjects were a requirement, in order to graduate. For me, a number of the required subjects was waste of time, as I have never needed or used that in my life.  Back when I was in school, they never offered any vocational training for the kids that I was aware of.  Vocational training would have been very useful instead of General Science, Biology, and 4 years of English.  I still talk like some ole country hick,-- guess they're called "rednecks' now.

In English, they tried to teach how to diagram sentences----well...what for?  Who uses that?  I think about the only subjects that were beneficial to me were the Home Ec, typing, and business courses.

Remember the onion skins that we used to have to use in making copies when we typed?  Now...today, kids will say...."What's an onion skin?????

We come a long way!!!  So much for my ramblings.


Isn't that the truth?
Diagraming a sentence is without a doubt the most useless thing that I did learn. ( And I didn't really learn it actually )
at least Algebra is used if you go into math and accounting sciences etc..
But never have I have to draw a line to tell how what is hooked up with a verb and subject etc..

I remember one of our English teachers ( in my junior year, we went through 3)
He wanted us to listen to Simon and Garfunkel and analize their lyrics.. then he also ask us to analize CC revival... We did stuff liek that all the time. ( he didn't last long)
This guy was hippie just bursting at the seams.  :D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


In recalling one English teacher I had...........I had never seen one like that!  He would stand up in front of the class and gargle mouthwash and then spit it into the trash can!

It was getting along towards the end of the school year, and this English teacher  had a drinking problem, as almost every Monday and Tuesday he would be absent with a hang-over.  He also had a quick temper, too.  One day he asked Mark McQuiston a question, and Mark answered him honestly.  The answer wasn't what the teacher wanted to hear, so the teacher told him to stand outside the room, and a few moments later, the teacher almost practically shoved Mark McQuiston down the stairs.  (Our English room was on the third floor). 

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