Big Conservative Media: The Big Con . . .

Started by redcliffsw, November 17, 2017, 06:42:08 AM

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Oh, and this is the same G.W. Bush who recently referred to President Trump and, by extension, the millions of Americans who Bush's buddy, Hillary Clinton, called "deplorables"—Americans, doubtless, who voted for him and who constitute Rush's audience—as "racist," "white supremacist," "nativist," and "bigoted."

This is the Swamp Creature par excellence with whom Rush colluded for eight years as they convinced Deplorables to vote for a man who, as it turns out, shares Hillary Clinton's assessment of them.

Yet Rush was not alone. Hannity, Ingraham, radio talk show host and Fox News contributor Mike Gallagher and some other merchants of The Big Con worked just as tirelessly as Rush labored to advance the agenda of Bush and his Republican Party
-Jack Kerwick

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