Autumn Equinox Trick

Started by Teresa, March 11, 2005, 11:51:51 PM

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Here is an interesting trick to try out at the precise time of the equinox – I haven't tried it myself but maybe will do this year as it sounds intriguing...

"Try this on Autumn Equinox. Just a few moments before the exact moment of the equinox, go outside with a raw egg. Find a reasonably level place on the sidewalk or driveway. For a few moments just before and just after the equinox, you can balance the egg upright (wider end down) by simply setting it down on the ground.
No kidding!
It will stand up all by itself. Kids love this, and most adults are amazed  too.

This little "trick" brings together two of the most potent aspects of this holiday: the balancing of the earth's gravity midway between the extremes of light and dark at Winter and Summer Solstice; and the symbolism of the egg."

The Equinox falls on March 20th at 6.34am . I am sure that you will of course leap out of bed on a Sunday morning to try this out won't you  :)

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !



Should have known to check all the alley ways before posting anything... (I have to remember that Detective Young Mark is always on duty and never sleeps.)

Dang it child! Can't you just let one little thing slip through
Especially when it is your poor old Auntie that trys so hard to pass on such trivia   ;)
  for doing such a good job..

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


didn't want to see a bunch of people wake up early and try standing up eggs on their ends... they'd think the town was in a cult or something. :D


Does anyone think we might be able to get Danny balanced on his head? ;D :D :D


Sorry Danny... I am trying really really hard to not smile.. but I'm not doing a very good job at it.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I forgot to tell you all this!!!!

First you can NOT believe everything that says...  :P
Proof being?

I should like to comment on a post that I made on March 11....
to try  an egg trick at the precise time of the equinox (March
20th at 12.34pm GMT this year).

It was  claimed you can balance a raw egg upright (wider end down) by simply
setting it down on the ground but only at the exact time (or a few minutes
either side) of either the Spring or Autumn equinox – it won't work at any
other time of the year. The reason is because the Earth's gravity has
reached a point of absolute balance between night and day.

I tried this out at the time specified fully expecting it not to work....( mainly because of all the "flack" I got from family ...
So...full of scepticism ..I tried it...!
That's right.... I set the alarm.... thinking to myself and sat and watched... saying "It probably won't work, but you
know you have to see...and maybe it will work.. but it probably won't... but if I don't try I won't know..." etc...
but to my surprise , it DID work!!! :o

I found that the egg stood upright for nearly 15 minutes after the time of
the equinox but thereafter I couldn't get it to stand upright at all. :D
So... just a reminder. If you believe you need to try something for yourself to believe it for real...
then do it..
Never count on others to decide for you.
((And maybe because I "believed it would happen"... it did)) :angel:.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Yes it does work!!!!!!!
I put it in the sandbox and it balanced perfectly!! :P :P :P :P :P


Now tell me just one more time WHY I need and love my kids?
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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