Old Pictures and Uniforms

Started by Jim, February 15, 2007, 08:37:33 PM

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Hello all,

I am looking for old team pictures and uniforms from the "good ol days" basically im looking for items from school here in Elk County that no longer exsist...aka Howard High, North and South Elk and Grenola. Also im looking for old game results...

I have gone through old yearbooks but i am lookingfor the actual pictures so that i can scan them and print them off myself, uniforms to put with the other old uni's i already have.

I would like to put together a list of team football and basketball pictures going back as far as i can.

I have all the West Elk football team pictures from 1985 through the present so if anyone has old team football pictures from 1973-1984 that would be appricaited as well.

any individual pictures from some of the "start players would also be helpful, So if anyone can help me find these things it would be great you can contact me here at the house or at school.

Thanks again

Jim Madison

Janet Harrington


For pictures from North Elk 1972 try talking to Cole Conard, Severy.  He might have some.  However; when we were all in school I don't remember a photographer at our games.  Maybe there was, but I was too busy playing in the band to see everything.


George Gorman use to take pictures.  His son Greg is the principal at Southeast Cherokee High School now maybe he can help a bit.


Hey Janet would Jim have any of his old team pictures from his days at Granola HS


I think Sally Gorman in Howard would have the pictures. I know she has said she needed to go through them.
Army Mom


Everyone is talking about Sally and Greg Gorman.. That is Teresa's mom and brother.
Heck.. Since you see Teresa Gorman out at the school. Ask her if she would  go through her dads stuff and see what there is. He was there taking pictures a lot. Greg played football so I imagine that he had LOTS of pictures.
I have lots when Danny was in Junior high and high school, but you probably have those, as that wasn't that far back.

Hey.. I  have my old drum majorette costume.. the black swim  suit dealy with all the sparkly thingys on it.
hahaha  :D  How about that for an oldie.. lol
Be quiet everyone!!  :-X NOT ONE WORD about that comment.  ;D

Oh yeah.. I am getting real excited about this thought.. I could get my camcorder out you see.. and then I could put my outfit on.. ( hmmm thinking I'll have to cinch up the old skin and tuck it in some support hose... and widen the zipper a bit at the waist.. but ...ahhhh ...whatever!! I can smell fame in the air!~~) I will get my old baton and do a twirling routine.. and don't forget my whistle.. god I loved that whistle.. I got to blow it and boss everyone around..... ahhhhh the memories.. it was wonderful..
So??? How about it???
Ya want some REAL video footage? Do ya? Do ya? Huh?? Huh??

Or  I could get my volleyball  and my red white and blue Howard Pirates shorts out and my t-shirt and ......... :-\  hmmmmmmmmmm... on second thought..scrap that idea...**remembering what the scales said last night**
oh well... who cares.. I have another great idea!

I could PLAY my clarinet!! Is that just the most greatest idea?!? YES!!! WHY didn't I think of that before.. I could find my old band uniform complete with the red braids on the shoulders and that large feather in that hot heavy band hat.( if it hasn't rotted away) lavishly don the old Howard High School apparel and .....
I could march and play ...
And YOU, Jim... YOU and only you will have some more priceless video for your collection..
**clapping my hand in glee***
Ohhhh I am so excited.. I am going to be Famous!! Famous I say...

I can see it already.. me signing autographs.. Jim taking wheel barrows of money to the bank because of my famous videos...

What?? You don't want any of that? You don't think that is what you are looking for??
Too old?? NO one would care?? **sniff    sniff**

It's okay.. I understand.................................................................................
Oh no... that's okay Jim.. no need to explain any further....

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Boy, could I comment on this one.  But I won't.  If Jim doesn't want your pictures, you could post them here.


Teresa...lol might have to take u up on that with the uni's ..especially if i can find a place to put all this stuff once i get everything im looking for....I did get some info on the 1921 Howard High football team and go the results as well....they beat Altoona 95-0 thats right 95 - 0 that is unheard fo today...i got some individual pictures and some right ups of some of the men on that team and they are talking about the sizes on them...lol the biggest kid on the team weighed a wopping 150 lbs...that is a baby compared to todays weights on the better kids..also gunna get a hold of Cole Conard he was on the the 2 undefeated teams of the last Howard high team and the first North Elk team both went unbeaten


Teresa -

Maybe you could get an "old" band together - you on your clarinet and Janet on her trumpet. Certainly that would be worth a picture or two.  ;)

A concert featuring the two of you????? :laugh:


We could use it for a charity event and raise lots of money.  Or maybe we could promise to not use it for a charity event and raise more money.

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