All Over Chickweed Salve

Started by Wake-up!, July 06, 2017, 11:40:01 AM

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 "I am not a creation of state/government, as such I am not within its jurisdiction."

Those words were written by Samuel Girod in a document filed in a Kentucky federal court in June. Girod is an Amish farmer who was convicted in March of selling herbal health products that, as reported by the Lexington Herald-Leader on Friday, "were not adequately labeled as required by federal law."

According to the government, the Amish man broke the law by growing, processing, and bringing to market his own herbal supplements without FDA approval. US News reported that Girod manufactured salves and skin treatments, one of which the FDA claims could be harmful to the skin. He also claimed one extract could help cure cancer, which the FDA disputed. In 2013, Giron ignored orders from the FDA to stop selling his products.

Nevertheless, he rejected the notion that he deserved six years in prison for being at odds with the federal agency (which, itself, approves numerous dangerous drugs).

"I do not waive my immunity to this court," Girod, who represented himself during the trial, told Judge Danny Reeves during his sentencing hearing early Friday morning. "I do not consent," he added, emphasizing the fact he according to his faith, he doesn't recognize the authority of the court — only that of his higher power.

Judge Reeves then sentenced Girod to six years in prison.

"They created a felon today out of a good, law-abiding citizen," said Arizona sheriff and civil rights activist Richard Mack following the sentencing. Mack, along with a group of Girod supporters, had gathered outside the Kentucky courthouse Friday morning to await Judge Reeves' ruling.

"This is a national disgrace and outrage. He is being punished for being stubborn," Mack stated, adding that he and other activists will press President Donald Trump to issue Girod a pardon.

Samuel Girod's "stubbornness" was also on Judge Reeves' mind on Friday. Reeves said the Kentucky farmer brought all the trouble on himself "because he steadfastly refused to follow the law."

I wonder why some honest attorney did not inform Girod to put the Court on the spot by asking them to show where in US Code they have jurisdiction over him? Should I ask, also, if this type of government over reach offends anybody?

Hey Jarhead, if you read this, be careful passing that catnip tea around with claims it makes you feel better. You might find the FDA at your door.
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate


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