Conservatism: Roots and Essence

Started by redcliffsw, June 05, 2017, 05:58:19 AM

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While over many decades there have been innumerable volumes published on Conservatism, tracing its earliest origins, multifaceted ideological character and ever-shifting beliefs over time, two sets of books have proven indispensable in helping me to understand and define its essence and make-up. Most of this important material is unknown to contemporary individuals who self-label themselves as "Conservative," and identify with such persons as O'Reilly, Hannity, Coulter, Levin, Limbaugh, Savage, or other media talking heads. They are "reactionaries" in the truest sense. for their shallow, ahistorical conception of what it means to be a "Conservative" is more a gut-level reaction or emotive response to the imbecilities of the Left rather than a carefully thought out set of principles.
-Charles Burris

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