
Started by W. Gray, May 22, 2017, 08:07:40 AM

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W. Gray

Leavenworth Times, November 16, 1881
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

W. Gray

See Montrose, below.

John Nix was Rose Nix Leo's grandfather.

The house she lived in on Wabash street before she went into the nursing home was where my sister was born in 1943.

Wichita City Eagle, October 21, 1980

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Do you know where Montrose was?

W. Gray

Chuckle, I was wondering if someone was going to ask that question.

Montrose was 10.65 miles northwest from Upola at about the intersection of 217 Road and 23 Road. None of the maps I have seen show the alpha names so that is as close as I can get. The last time I was in that area the county had not yet put street signage up.

However, as Paul Harvey use to say, there is a Rest of the Story.

If you think "Cave Springs" you have "Montrose."

Montrose came in around 1879. The name was changed to Cave Springs around 1882 and then changed back to Montrose around 1884 and then changed back to Cave Springs around 1885. It was still going in the early 1900s. I have seen a plat map of Cave Springs but cannot recall where.

There was a Doctor, I think, who was instrumental in promoting the town. A hotel was built to accommodate patients who were brought in to take advantage of the "miracle springs."

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

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