Expelled for a 'Shotgun Bullet'

Started by Wake-up!, March 25, 2017, 09:10:30 AM

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"Well....when I was escorted to the office for a sit down. I was handed a tiny .22 empty brass casing. . . . . Our son found it on the ground, expelled from a 22 rifle over the weekend, while Hunter was target practicing with his Police Officer grandpa. He was so excited, and snuck it to school to show his friends. We had no idea about it."

Read the rest at;

Two thoughts came to me, beyond the utter ridiculousness of punishment for a round of brass. One, what a classic example of how poorly educated so-called teachers have become.

But second, and most important in my opinion, why do parents allow this to happen in schools? Parents who own property pay the taxes that fund schools. While it is commonly stated that schools are publicly owned, the public that owns them are all of us who pay property taxes. Everyone of us with a property tax bill owns (that) school; we pay for the buildings' upkeep, the books, the equipment, the teachers' wages. It is ours. Then why do we stand idly by and allow this type of action? Why don't we dismiss the administrators and form a parent group to establish the rules, conduct, and education requirements? Why don't we oversee our children's education as we do other elements of their lives?

Had that happened to one of my children, he or she would not return to that school after the suspension, even if it required me to find a second job to pay for a private school. Children are worth too much to place them in that type of punitive environment, to expose them to the bias and ignorance of many of the teachers that this article typifies.

(Maybe I should have subtitled this "Ode to Ross'.)
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate


There's no such thing as a local school under local control.  Yer operating under State and Federal authority.  It's their rules and regulations just like everything else.  American liberty is becoming less and less while government continues to strengthen its rule.

Republicans or modern Democrats win - citizens lose.

If you want to raise your kids to be communists, send them to a government school.


Ross is a good example of why new comers are different than lifers around here.New comers want to come stir up do do then move away when the grass looks greener some where else.I liked Ross and he enlightened me on more then 1 subject.


I know the point of the post was the crazy story plum full of no common sense .What has happen to the P.T.A. don't they help set up rules for the schools?


Government control is for government schools.

Why let anybody interfere with government stuff in America?  Let the locals have a voice as long as they stay within the rules and regulations of State and Federal control.  Remember how the Soviet Union used to be? 


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