Massive Defense Budgets Drive Domestic Programs

Started by redcliffsw, February 19, 2017, 07:43:11 AM

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The Cancerous Effect of Big Government: How Massive Defense Budgets Drive Unconstitutional Domestic Programs

If Republicans vote to increase domestic spending, Democrats will vote to increase military spending. As the saying goes: you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. This is how the welfare-warfare system functions, and why Washington D.C. always grows like a cancer at the expense of us all.

The key point to learn from this example is that the desire to increase military spending necessarily involves increasing domestic spending alongside it. The two cannot be separated.

That is why nullification activists must be sticklers for consistency. We must make the consistent argument for limited government, and thwart the power-grabbing schemes of both major political parties – whether those schemes are enacted in the foreign or domestic realms.

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