Catholic Bishops At The Federal Trough Again

Started by redcliffsw, February 12, 2017, 05:51:16 AM

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Catholic bishops can have political views like the rest of us, but thank God they do not speak for the Church, especially when they pander to politicians for more money.

In fact, they delicately ignore the timeless teaching of the Church if it's unpopular (you know, on adultery, contraception, sodomy, and other  unmentionables like sin) – after all, they don't want to offend their federal paymasters, you know!

This time around, they're outdoing themselves. When Obama welcomed Middle Eastern"refugees" who were almost 100% Moslem, the bishops never complained, even though virtually no Christian refugees were included.

In fact, they cheered – and took tens of millions in taxpayer dollars to "welcome" them. One prelate even publicly mocked Mike Pence when the Indiana governor suggested they prayerfully consider the wisdom of importing into Indiana Syrian Moslems sent by the United Nations.

But that was then. Today they oppose President Trump's Executive Order, natch, but now they're afraid that Trump might change Obama's policies and welcome more Middle Eastern Christians.

The bishops are aghast – and frantic: please keep sending our money, Ms. State Department, just like Hillary did! We promise we'll welcome "all religions and ethnicities" – we won't discriminate in favor of Christians, we promise! Why, that would be outrageous!

And don't forget – please keep sending us taxpayer millions, because our people in the pews are getting pretty stingy these days.

Can't imagine why.
-Christopher Manion

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