Started by Teresa, March 05, 2005, 12:32:44 PM

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Almost everyone knows about Geronimo, the most famous of Apache leaders.
    Born in 1829 in Mexican Territory, Geronimo was a medicine man, spiritual
leader and fierce warrior. He could see into the future, walk without
creating footprints and legend tells it...even hold back the dawn.
Some say, bullets could not touch him.
    It took over 5,000 soldiers, 500 scouts, and 3,000 Mexican troops to
track down Geronimo and his band. After their capture, Geronimo and his
people were sent to prison camps in Florida, The few that didn't succumb
to disease were eventually moved to Fort Sill, Oklahoma.
Geronimo died on Feb. 17, 1909, a prisoner of war, unable to return to
his homeland. He was buried in the Apache cemetery at Fort Sill. It was
    Geronimo's wish that his body be sent back to his native land, but even
in death his wishes were ignored. As bad as that is, it is nothing
compared to what happened to his corpse 9 years after his Spirit
continued on its journey.
     In 1918, while stationed at the U.S. Army artillery training school at
Ft. Sill, Prescott Bush, grandfather of President George W. Bush, along
with Ellery James and Neil Mallon, broke into Geronimo's grave and
removed his skull.
     Prescott Bush and his two friends were members of the Skull & Bones
Society, a highly secret order existing only at Yale University. The
American chapter of this German order was founded in 1833 at Yale
University by General William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft,
father of President William Howard Taft.
     Each year the new pledges are ordered to steal a skull and bring it to
the "tomb" as the secret meeting room on Deer Island in the St. Lawrence
River is called. Today, Geronimo's skull is said to repose in a glass
case filled with turquoise chips.
     In 1986, representatives of Skull and Bones-~~~among them George H.W.
Bush's brother, Jonathan.....-met with Ned Anderson, Apache tribal leader.
They offered him a skull, but Anderson refused to accept it because it
didn't look like the skull he had seen in a photograph that purported to
be Geronimo's skull. Later documents noted that the skull was in fact
that of a child! Anderson also refused to sign a document which would
have forbade anyone from discussing the incident.
      Membership rolls of Skull & Bones reads like a Who's Who - Presidents,
Supreme Court Justices, Secretaries of State , Diplomats, National
Security advisers, Senators, publishing magnates, and C.I.A. recruits
fill the list.
      I found it interesting that the Bay of Pigs operation~~-the covert C.I.A~~.-
financed invasion of Castro's Cuba,and  was choreographed by Skull &
Richard Drain, Skull & Bones '# 43, was one of the C.I.A.'s
masterminds of the Bay of Pigs.
McGeorge Bundy, Skull and Bones '#40, was
the White House planner of the Bay of Pigs operation.
His brother, William P. Bundy, Skull & Bones '#39, was the State Department's liaison
for the Bay of Pigs.
And on and on it goes.....

Who has Geronimo's skull???  ???

That's a dirty little government secret.

      "Blest be the man that spares these stones / And curst be he that moves
my bones." --- William Shakespeare
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


This is an old one :P but I was readin old stuff!
Geronimo captured my attention when I was a kid, he was and is one of my heroes. Deserved and deserves better than what he got. If they really got his skull they ought to give it back and show respect.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

Diane Amberg

I've been to Geronimo's traditional burial site at Fort Sill at the Apache cemetery. My great grand father Amberg was garrisoned there at one time. The old post and the museums are very interesting. I don't remember anything about his skull going missing. Why would the Government care to have a big secret about it so many years later? To what benefit?

W. Gray

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

Diane Amberg

Thanks!.  Good article. That stone pyramid over concrete is what I saw.


 :P Geez, I was just commenting on Geronimos treatment period. They should have let him go home is all I had to say.
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

Diane Amberg

Pam, I agree. He was treated miserably and should have been allowed to go home.


Most political prisoners are treated poorly; it just depends what side of the fence you are on. Look at Abhu Graib in Iraq. :-\ :-\


Geronimo's skull, Bildergerger Society, UFO, paranormal, conspiracy theories,ghost stories, numerology and actual mainstream topics can be found on my favorite late night radio entertainment show. (for my fellow night owls). The show that you hate to admit that you listen to, but can't resist. The largest overnight talk show in the world.




For those of you interested in Native American history I suggest The American West by Dee Brown. Living in California the history of the West is my favorite reading subject.


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