Biggest Big Lie Yet from the Soviet Poverty Lie Center? . . .

Started by redcliffsw, January 31, 2017, 07:10:49 AM

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The president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, which I like to more accurately call the Soviet Poverty Lie Center, recently declared that "Black Lives Matter is not a Hate Group."  OK, case closed.

The Lie Center must have a very, very high bar to jump over in order to be labeled a "hate group."  A few days ago at a Black Lives Matter riot/rally in Seattle a designated speaker wearing a Black Lives Matter jacket, identified as "a teacher," said the following:

"We need to start killing people.   Killing the White House.  Burn it!"

"White people, give [us] your F-ing money, your F-ing house, your F-ing property, we need it F-ing now!  Reparations!"

"And we need to start killing people . . . to start killing the White House."

"Pay the F up!" white people!

These are the same people who carry signs saying "Love Trumps Hate."

Whew.  And to think that the Soviet Poverty Lie Center once condemned the American Enterprise Institute for "mainstreaming hate" for sponsoring a scholarly public debate on immigration policy, and convinced the Department of Homeland Security to issue a warning that anyone with a "Ron Paul for President" bumper sticker should be considered to be a potential terrorist.  Could you imagine what the Soviet Poverty Lie Center would say if Oathkeepers or the Constitution Party, which they have labeled as "hate groups," ever said anything like this about anybody?
-Thomas DiLorenzo

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