Election 2016 – Watch the Donkeys Run!

Started by Ross, January 13, 2017, 09:35:29 PM

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Election 2016 – Watch the Donkeys Run!

My great friend, Ron Jenkins shared the following scenario which I found interesting and hope you do also. It will be a blast watching a new political neophyte make a bunch of political hacks jump through hoops and run like rabbits. Listening to the new Senate minority leader, Chuckie Schumer, brag how tough the Demoncrats will be will be easy for the Donald. He has the ability and the surgical tools to make these "mossbacks" look like fools. C Brewer 

Absorb Ron's Story

On Nov. 8 at around 1700 hours, Hillary and 400+ Hillary Clinton loyalists gathered with 100+ cases of champagne, a Two-Million-Dollar massive fireworks display in downtown New York. They had a custom-built dome symbolizing the mythical "glass ceiling" and HRC, (or, as her Secret Service call sign reflects, "Broomstick One") readied to celebrate her victory over Trump.

Celebrating the first female President of the United States had the inner-city welfare army dancing in the streets. They were now certain their welfare checks were going to continue to increase.

Mexico was happy as they could continue to look the other way as gang members and ex-cons illegally entered America.

Isis was happy as they could continue to infiltrate America with innocent Muslim's and radicalize them in Mosque's, protected by US law.

Newsweek had already published and shipped the next issue with the cover "Madam President" and a detailed analysis of precisely how the Clinton political machine had captured the Electoral College with a whopping 324 votes. They had her acceptance speech in an article gracefully calling for all Americans to join with her and move forward in Utopian, Progressive Socialism.

Among the 400+ giddy followers were those who had already received confirmation of their future assignments & high paid government jobs in the White House, FBI, Department of Labor, and the list goes on.

Everyone as assured of at least four (4) and probably eight (8) years of lucrative jobs that they had dedicated over 3 years of their lives to achieve. They had all rented or bought housing in D.C. or nearby in Georgetown. Reservations had been made at the Hilton and other five star hotels in New York City for the PARTY.

They knew the fix was in: every poll and every media outlet except Fox News, (Eric Bolling specifically) and Drudge was in the tank for Hillary and against Trump. At a rate of 45 to 1 Department of Justice  employees had contributed to the campaign over Trump.  CNN, NBC, CBS had all supplied Hillary with the debate questions, well in advance.  The fix was in over all the scandals and the Wiki Leaks was all the fault of the Russians, who had even changed the language in the emails. The Department of Justice and FBI had cleared Hillary of any criminal conduct.

Almost every media pundit and all of the polls except the LA Times and one other had Hillary with a 1 to 8 point lead. The odds in Las Vegas were 200 to 1 and by election time were still 5 to 1.

The early exit polls were 100% in the Democrat's favor and the path to victory was clear.

Then, within 5 short hours, it all came crashing down.

Hillary went ballistic; cursing and wailing like a banshee.  They were all stunned; told to go home and go home they did, so they could organize riots and proclaim to the world that Trump was not their President.

Imagine the abject depression as the shock that set in. One more political dynasty bites the dust.

"Congrats to All Patriotic Americans that love their Republic, great job!"

One more thing, if California wants to secede, we should let them and let them take their 5+ million Democrat votes with them. That alone would mean a Conservative, Republican, federal government for the next few decades.

Now will come the divisiveness of the Democrat minority, in the Senate, where they will try to derail Mr. Trump's nominees for his Cabinet and any and all political appointments within his control.  Let's just see how cohesive the Democrats can be over the next 60 days and four years.

Let's see how they try to block Mr. Trump's nominee for the current Supreme Court vacancy and the replacements for Ginsberg and Breyer, when they announce their retirements, sometime in the next 4 to 8 years. The court is now four to three, Liberal vs Conservative, with Justice Kennedy usually siding with the Liberal women. The replacement for Conservative Justice Scalia will bring it back to where it was, at 4 to 4, with Kennedy as the tie breaker.

When Ginsberg retires as she said she would and Trump appoints a Conservative, the balance will shift once again and it could stay that way for quite a while.

Ron Jenkins

I hope he appoints Ted Cruz to take Ginsberg's place and let us enjoy watching a real "Donkey BBQ.

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