The SPLC’s “Hate Crime” Hoaxes . . . .

Started by redcliffsw, January 06, 2017, 08:01:45 AM

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The Soviet Poverty Lie Center's "Hate Crime" Hoaxes

They lie about and defame "all the people they hate:  whites, Christians, Trump supporters, cops, frat boys . . . "  It is "the main propagator of fake hate crimes" that are so faithfully reported as "news" by the LMS (Lying Media Scum). "The SPLC is to 'hate' what Rolling Stone is to rape."   Ann Coulter explains.

Footnote:  The one thing the Soviet Poverty Lie Center, headquartered in Montgomery, Alabama, hates the most, of course, is Southerners.  And since they are hardened communist ideologues, libertarian southerners are the most hated of all, because they are associated with the twin "evils" of freedom and limited, decentralized government.
-Thomas DiLorenzo

Diane Amberg

Trump could care less about any of them. They might as well go sit in a closet somewhere. The only person who he cares about is himself and to some extent his family. Don't mouth off to him or belong to a grouop that does or have opinions different from his or he will have you destroyed. You just might quietly dissappear.
All the popular bloggers better watch their backs. Trump doesn't care a twit about the forefathers, the Constitutuion or any of it.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 08, 2017, 12:14:07 PM
Trump could care less about any of them. They might as well go sit in a closet somewhere. The only person who he cares about is himself and to some extent his family. Don't mouth off to him or belong to a grouop that does or have opinions different from his or he will have you destroyed. You just might quietly dissappear.
All the popular bloggers better watch their backs. Trump doesn't care a twit about the forefathers, the Constitutuion or any of it.

I'm not about to forget that Trump is a Republican, a Lincolnian, and a Keynesian.  Trump's kind have their own socialist agenda just like the modern Democrats have their own socialist agenda.  The whole bunch of 'em doesn't give a hoot about forefathers or the Constitution. 

I know what you're saying - and I think you are one of them.  People know their own kind.
Isn't that about right?

Diane Amberg


WHAT?? Diane, what are you saying? It sounds like you are saying that the Trumpster will borrow from the Clintonista's playbook. What you are claiming is right out of Mena, Arkansas, and the Rose Law firm.

Tell you what Diane, why don't you list five fairly specific things you think the Trumpster will accomplish, will fail to accomplish, may be beneficial to Americans, or may be detrimental to Americans. No generalities that can be laid on any politician.

Red, you do the same, and then 'we' can track how your prognostications play out over his first term in office. Call it a womano a mano challenge!
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate


I don't know what Trump will do - no telling.

All I know is that the Republicans love the welfare state so I doubt that they will abolish the Obamacare.  More likely they will tweak Obamacare to their own favorite socialist scheming.

Just be prepared for more socialism under Trump and the Republicans.

Wakeup, thanks for the opportunity to list what I think Trump will accomplish, but I really don't have any.  However, I'm glad Hillary lost.


Red- By more socialism, do you mean a continuation of socialism, or are you saying more socialism than Hillary would have proposed?

Any ideas of what Trump's socialism might focus on? Jobs programs? Transportation infrastructure? Welfare? Warfare? Across the board? Any programs where he might succeed in reducing socialism? Education? Planned Parenthood? The number of government employees? How about censorship? Diane seems to think he'll have an extensive 'search and destroy' list? Will lover's of freedom need to go dark?

Will our national debt be higher or lower after his first (and possibly only) term? How about the budget deficit? Up or down relative to Hussein Obama?
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate


Continuation of socialism - until the collapse.

Watch the Obamacare-healthcare thing.  The Republicans will not abolish Obamacare unless the Republicans install their own socialist healthcare thing.  The Republicans worship the socialist state just like Obama and Hillary do.  You've seen the socialist state worship by Republicans on the local level right there in Elk County and Elk County modern Democrats are right to participate too.

Trump and the Republicans will have their own socialist agenda and the modern Democrats will have theirs.   Who has the better social programs?  Republicans or modern Democrats?  Republicans and modern Democrats will keep their government sponsored circus agoing until the tent collapses.

How are you seeing it?

Diane Amberg

The only thing Trump wants to do right now is be so unpredictable nobody can get ahead of him. Look at the histories of some of the people he wants surrounding him. All are hugely wealthy potential toadies, who speak his language....$$$$$. He wants to dismantle anything in Gov't. that was accepted as common practice, but not necessarily bound by actual law.
There will be no such thing as conflict of interest for him and his. He will never produce his taxes because nobody can make him do it.
It's hard to know what he will actually DO, because one has to get past his mouth and childish tweeting. I'm afraid he'll cut off the media for some excuse or other so very little will be public as to what is happening.
He still scares me. If the Constitution gets in his way, he'll figure out ways to ignore it.
I think personally Al and I would be OK financially, no matter what he does, but many people may be in for a tough time, especially if he messes with health care and the pharmaceutical industry but doesn't rein them in somehow. More later. Gotta leave.


D- You stated, "He wants to dismantle anything in Gov't. that was accepted as common practice, but not necessarily bound by actual law." Do you see that as a bad thing? I hope he does just that, but doubt if he will be allowed to go as far as I'd like to see.

Why is it important that he produce his taxes? What does that have to do with his capability, or lack of, to govern? IF he has his wealth organized in Business Trusts, he will have very little personal income, and so low taxes. Do you have a problem with that? That avenue of asset protection is available to all of us. The Kennedy family is the first that comes to mind as using those trusts. And I'm sure it is widespread among the elitists.

You stated, "If the Constitution gets in his way, he'll figure out ways to ignore it." Well, geez, just how long has that been going on, I wonder. Who was the first President to issue an executive order that effected general law, rather than be limited to organization of the executive branch of government? When was the last time we went to war ONLY after Congress declared war? How many times did Hussein Obama work around the Constitution?

It sounds to me like you are worried about the normal way the federal government does business. Me too. We should be. Waitin' on more later.
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate

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