Excellent Reasons to leave Elk County and Kansas

Started by Ross, December 27, 2016, 06:17:40 PM

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They're going to save the planet with Wind Power and Ethanol to the credit of the tyrants and social thinkers.


I'm not sure how the County receipts would decrease each year. The last page of the Wind Farm Agreement is Exhibit 'B'. It shows the pay schedule for the first 20 years. And it shows an INCREASE each year. The numbers appear a bit erratic until 'you do the math'. Payments increase each year by 2% over the previous year. So the only way for receipts to actually decrease is if the megawatt capacity somehow decreases each year. At it seems to me, if each turbine produces 1.8 megawatts and there remain 111 of them, then the capacity stays constant. Do wind turbines lose productive capacity over time? That, I don't know. Do automotive alternators lose the capacity to produce as they are used? Maybe the Commissioner misspoke.

I didn't know about Wind Farm ownership. Not the best situation! What really gets my goat is that the Wind Farm is selling its energy to the Tennessee Valley Authority. There's a crock of BS if I ever smelled one. If Tennessee needs energy, let Tennesseans develop it. I do not recall what the energy loss is over transmission lines over distance, but it is significant (or so claimed by Wind Farm opponents). 'Our' wind farm may serve 65,000 homes locally, but only about 45,000 in Tennessee. The numbers are something like that. Bottom line is transmission lines are not efficient. Electrical energy is most effort (oops, make that efficient) generated for local use.
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate


Quote from: Wake-up! on December 29, 2016, 09:04:57 AM
I'm not sure how the County receipts would decrease each year. The last page of the Wind Farm Agreement is Exhibit 'B'. It shows the pay schedule for the first 20 years. And it shows an INCREASE each year. The numbers appear a bit erratic until 'you do the math'. Payments increase each year by 2% over the previous year. So the only way for receipts to actually decrease is if the megawatt capacity somehow decreases each year. At it seems to me, if each turbine produces 1.8 megawatts and there remain 111 of them, then the capacity stays constant. Do wind turbines lose productive capacity over time? That, I don't know. Do automotive alternators lose the capacity to produce as they are used? Maybe the Commissioner misspoke.

I don't believe the Commissioner misspoke, I believe she lied intentionally!
I think it was simply an excuse for misuse of taxpayers money.
And for the Commissioners to cover up theft from the county by a County employee simply shows the contempt of the taxpayers by certain commissioners. But at least one of them will be history soon.

After all what Government really wants you to know the truth!


One of the oldest 'cons' known: understate the revenue stream by X% and pocket the difference!

And unfortunately most of society is either, 1) too busy picking its nose to care, or 2) standing in line waiting their turn to be the con artist.

Nothing changes, does it? Aesop is credited with saying (in 590 BC), "We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great thieves to public office."
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate


My cynicism aside, the Commissioner who claimed that Wind Farm revenues decrease over time, needs to publicly clarify his/her statement in light of the Agreement that states a 2% per annum increase in revenue.

And if the County books show a discrepancy between what should have been received under the Agreement, and what was recorded as received, a third party or the State's Attorney General's office needs to step in. Or maybe Sheriff Hanks would step up and investigate on behalf of the residents he serves?!
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate


Quote from: Wake-up! on December 29, 2016, 06:55:44 PM
My cynicism aside, the Commissioner who claimed that Wind Farm revenues decrease over time, needs to publicly clarify his/her statement in light of the Agreement that states a 2% per annum increase in revenue.

And if the County books show a discrepancy between what should have been received under the Agreement, and what was recorded as received, a third party or the State's Attorney General's office needs to step in. Or maybe Sheriff Hanks would step up and investigate on behalf of the residents he serves?!

I couldn't agree more!


After the summer of 2015 qnd running an Opposition Petition which was Certified and Notarized by the County Clerk that denied them to raise property via a resolution printed in the local newspaper and required them to put it to the voters on an election ballot. Just the same they ignored the law and raised property taxes 6.377 mills.

I hammered the Attorney General's Office and the Governor's offices with numerous registered manilla envelopes loaded with documentation to no avail. At Neewollah in Independence this year I had a face to face with Attorney Derek Schmidt , I caught up with him where the paraded ended near the old high school which is now the Independence Middle School.
And still nothing! A call to the Attorney Genera;s office and his executive secretary I was eventually told they don't have the time for this situation.

Personally, I believe West Elk School Board should call for a State audit. A State Audit not only checks the books but the whole operation of the school in attempt to help the school operate more effectively and effeciently. The only problemis the so called educated leaders are fake and have no clue about their jobs and responsibilities.

This is a sad thing to say but it is the truth in my opinion.


WTH, the Attorney General's Office is charged with investigating theft and fraud, be it private sector or public sector. I don't accept that lacking time is a legal reason to fail to act. Sounds like a case of different levels of government scratching each others' backs. That's why my first suggestion was an independent audit. And that could happen if it can be shown that the Attorney General's office is dragging its feet because some of the Wind Farm money stream reaches that far. And without an audit, who is to say it does not?

Lots of stuff to verify here, but I need to talk to an attorney or two. I know one I may have a casual conversation with, and get honest answers.
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate


         The TVA may be buying the energy produced, but it simply goes into the grid, not to Tennesee. Transmission lines don't take a straight path from the generation point to any particular destination.

       The landowners are paid lease money based on how many towers are on their property. They still pay the property tax like everyone else. Actually, they pay more for the portion that is no longer considered agricultural land.

       There are many other items that Ross doesn't understand or have factual knowledge of.


Okay, I get that. The local wind farm produces electricity and what it produces (X amount) just adds to the 'electrical-mass' of the grid.

And what follows from that? Since the TVA is the buyer, they get to remove the same X amount from the grid in their own state? I don't understand why they would be investors/buyers if they produced enough juice in Tennessee. So that tells me, they are receiving electricity from out of Tennessee, just not as far away as Elk County. My next logical question is why the TVA doesn't buy it from the sector(s) of the grid they receive it from?

Heck, do they even know what sector(s) of the grid the electricity was generated? The answer to that is probably ' no, they don't'. Once it is in the grid, an electron is an electron. Who cares where it came from. Is that the way it works?

I still can't logically understand why they would pay a producer in Kansas for electricity taken out of the grid in Tennessee.

The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate


Quote from: Bullwinkle on December 30, 2016, 11:33:00 AM
         The TVA may be buying the energy produced, but it simply goes into the grid, not to Tennesee. Transmission lines don't take a straight path from the generation point to any particular destination.

It does not matter where the electricity goes in or comes out. The TVA pays Enel for what is generated on the hills of Moline not what is generated in Timbucktwo.

I am a well trained Commercial Electrician, trained by the US Navy in both basic and advanced electrical practical and advanced theory and served 10 years as a shipboard electrician. I also worked for Arco pipeline for 13 years as a pipeline electrician. And additional years of employment as a commercial electrician. So yes sir, I do understand electricity. And your point about delivery of electricity is moot.

Quote from: Bullwinkle on December 30, 2016, 11:33:00 AM
       The landowners are paid lease money based on how many towers are on their property. They still pay the property tax like everyone else. Actually, they pay more for the portion that is no longer considered agricultural land.

They were paying property taxes for farmland until we got a new assessor, who then started taxing the concrete bases at a different tax level.

Quote from: Bullwinkle on December 30, 2016, 11:33:00 AM
       There are many other items that Ross doesn't understand or have factual knowledge of.

And Bullwwinkle we can only assume that apply's to you as well,
I have never claimed to know everything,
so what is your point?

I do know that every aspect of Elk County Government and West Elk USD-282 are supposed to be public information with the exception of most disciplinary actions, But yet many things are kept pretty secret!

There is a great deal of information on both Governments on the thread " Topic: Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25" simply click here: http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,11780.0.html it addresses the ignorance and arrogance of the elite of Elk County. It would be humorous if not so sad.

Carry-on! LOL

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