Excellent Reasons to leave Elk County and Kansas

Started by Ross, December 27, 2016, 06:17:40 PM

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Liberals that have no idea what the word Conservatism means.
Spend, Spend Spend like a child in a candy store!
Tax, Tax, and Tax some more.

You will wonder where the population went
when you wonder who else to tax !
Especially when the Wind Farm Money is all spent and gone !


Dave TrabertDecember 27, 2016

News coverage of a recently-proposed $820 million tax hike in Kansas was a case study in the many ways that media bias influences public opinion.  The unions, highway contractors and others pushing the idea were not challenged on their many undocumented claims, and even though the proponents all stood to gain from higher taxes, media failed to challenge the notion that tax increases were even necessary.  Some of the same outlets that railed against the 'largest tax increase in Kansas' history' in 2015 (roughly $400 million annually) now heap praise on those proposing to stick citizens with twice that amount! The Cap Journal editorial board said the special interests "...deserve credit for being honest about the problem and formulating a way to fix it," as though there is only one way to resolve the issues.

How can the same people – be they legislators, special interests or media – be critical of a $400 million tax increase one year and then almost fawn over the suggestion of an $820 million tax hike the following year?  This form of media bias can be explained in one word – politics.  As in, it depends on who did the proposing.  Democrats and most Republicans were unwilling to reduce some of the wasteful spending in government in 2015, so some traditionally conservative legislators put a $400 million tax increase together and media pounded them.  But now tax increases are worth considering because the tax increase wasn't really the issue for media last year – that was about pounding on political enemies.  The new legislature is far less conservative so it is given different treatment – and permission to raise taxes, even if doing so isn't necessary.

The same media that has harshly and repeatedly told citizens that the Kansas economy isn't doing well didn't bother to ask how extracting $820 million from citizens would impact the economy; raising that ugly reality would dampen the mood.  They also didn't bother getting input from those who would have noted that there are many ways to reduce state spending without compromising quality of service.  For the record, the National Association of State Budget Officers shows Kansas spent 27 percent more per-resident in 2015 than the states without an income tax – each of which provides the same basket of services.  Federal and debt-related spending are excluded in that calculation.

Read More At:


If you don't like it here in Elk county or Kansas then leave.



Great Mature Critical Thinking happening right there with that statement of Liberal Thinking !
You mama must be very proud of you!

You can't comprehend that politicians are robbing you?

Yout very own County Commissioner gives away $100,000.00 of taxpayers money away to the cities
and then raises your taxes just to put a feather in her hat , and that's okay with you?

Those cities could have raised their own property taxes and kept the money for themselves year after year after year/. But NO! They accept welfare of a few thousand dollars from the county and now have to pay that tax increase back to the County forever. Rather high interest rates isn't it?

The county collects only a fraction of the 111 mil property tax from the wind farm while you and I pay the full 111 mill. In fact the Wind Farm will not see the recent 8 mill property tax icvrease.

With the nearly $1,000,000.00 from the Wind Farm yearly the county has failed to pay off the county debts, or set aside an emergency fund, which amounts to  very poor money management.

Great plans for economic development planning, drive people away rather than welcome them, isn't it?

Great money management, isn't it?

It's the ignorant Liberal way.

The non-critical thinking ---- ignore the facts ---- harass the truth ----
and continue on a path of self destruction !

Great Plan !   



I asked a simple question and got hatefulness in return.


Quote from: proelkco on December 28, 2016, 11:00:40 AM
I asked a simple question and got hatefulness in return.

Just like a Liberal, regret what you say and try to twist it. LOL
That was no question, but a hateful statement, no question mark at all;
Have a look-see:

Quote from: proelkco on December 28, 2016, 07:50:47 AM
If you don't like it here in Elk county or Kansas then leave.

My remarks were sarcastic and educational.
Big difference to hateful.

Please try a different Liberal move !
I enjoyed this one !

Have a great day, I know i will !
I am working outside enjoying the beautiful weather.
And it's time to get back out there.


Ross- I do not understand the Wind Farm deal. I wasn't living here when it was negotiated. My understanding is that the deal requires the County to disperse a percentage of the annual payout to the towns within the County. Is that not accurate?

What I do not understand, is why the residents of the County did not interject themselves into the decision making prior to the Wind Farm agreement, so the the funds were paid directly to the residents. Or to the property owners. That is how Alaska pays out mineral royalties.

My inkling is that there is very little critical thinking. So, yes, most people do not understand that politicians are robbing us. The political system is there to take from us, not to serve us. Service is no more than lip service. The political system is corrupt by definition. If the Commissioners were interested in the County's welfare, we would see new businesses moving in, new investment happening. That fact we do not see these is proof the County political hacks are not trying.

The Wind Farm agreement needs to be modified so that payment bypasses government officials. It will take a significant number of angry residents to do that, but it can happen.

Any idea where I can get a complete copy of the Wind Farm agreement?
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate


The land owners get a good lease payment at least once a year, if not monthly.    For each tower that is on their land.    Nobody says what that is.    The county made a bad decision to take a lump sum amount, instead of them paying taxes on each tower. This is my thinking[/size].



Quote from: Wake-up! on December 28, 2016, 05:17:50 PM
Ross- I do not understand the Wind Farm deal. I wasn't living here when it was negotiated. My understanding is that the deal requires the County to disperse a percentage of the annual payout to the towns within the County. Is that not accurate?

I don't believe so! I don't recall ever reading anything like that.

Quote from: Wake-up! on December 28, 2016, 05:17:50 PM
What I do not understand, is why the residents of the County did not interject themselves into the decision making prior to the Wind Farm agreement, so the the funds were paid directly to the residents. Or to the property owners. That is how Alaska pays out mineral royalties.

It was kept pretty much secret and Elk Konnected came along to try to control the sing farm money, in my opinion. They claimed to have been founded before the wind farm came about.
However, a County Road employee informed us that test were run on the land for a very long time. Which refuted the claim Elk Konnected was here before the wind farm, because the founder of Elk Konnected is a family member of the largest part of the land the wind farm is built on and knew of the testing and negotiations.

Ever heard of the "Good Old Boys Club" or "The Old Guard"? That is exactly what I considered
Elk Konnected to have been. Elk Konnected had meetings to shut down our grade schools and I think they were very instrumental in doing so. Elk Konnected may no longer exist but has returned to being the "The Old Guard" in my personal opinion. There are Greedy people in Elk /County calling themselves leaders, plain and simple. They really are not leaders, they are followers of "Tge Old Guard" in my opinion. Simple puppets, nothing more in my opinion.

There is only one person on the Elk County Board worth a damn and that is Mr. Hebb who lost his seat and will be replaced in January.     With, I can't go there.

Quote from: Wake-up! on December 28, 2016, 05:17:50 PM
My inkling is that there is very little critical thinking. So, yes, most people do not understand that politicians are robbing us. The political system is there to take from us, not to serve us. Service is no more than lip service. The political system is corrupt by definition. If the Commissioners were interested in the County's welfare, we would see new businesses moving in, new investment happening. That fact we do not see these is proof the County political hacks are not trying.

Well, what is fortunate for Elk County is that David Evans was elected to the board. David is an exceptional person in my opinion. He is educated and has excellent common sense. None of that nonsense of giving 30 or 40 thousand dollars to the communities and forcing them to pay it back with an 8 mil property tax for the next 40 or 50 years. That is outrageous interest on such a small amount off money. No. I personally don't feel Dave would do something so stupid to the people of Elk County.
David is nobody's puppet either. People should pay attention to David when he gets sworn in and give him support when support is due. I'm sorry to say I won't be here to support him and I wish him well in his endeavor. I believe Davide not only understands the definition of Leadership but will more than live up to the definition.

Quote from: Wake-up! on December 28, 2016, 05:17:50 PM
The Wind Farm agreement needs to be modified so that payment bypasses government officials. It will take a significant number of angry residents to do that, but it can happen.

I believe that would be a very steep and expensive hill to climb. It would take a lawyer to take on the "The Old Guard"! Heck, People won't even show up at School Board or County Board meetings to be heard from about raising property taxes. So I figure there is some kind of fear in Elk County residents. I don't believe it is ignorance so there is no other reason I can think of for not speaking up. I was personally threatened on this forum with the possibility of a lawsuit, they cowardly made the threat and cowardly failed to follow through and failed to stop me from expressing my opinions.

Quote from: Wake-up! on December 28, 2016, 05:17:50 PM
Any idea where I can get a complete copy of the Wind Farm agreement?

Yes, go to the Courthouse and ask the County Clerk. You might ask for one of their Freedom of Information Act Forms and write specifically what you want. The previous County Clerk worked very well with me and I feel comfortable saying the new County Clerk will be a pleasure to work with as well.

Elk County in my opinion should be grateful for the ladies in the court house.

You have raised some interesting points. It's been my pleasure to provide my opinion to you.

Have I ever met you?


Quote from: hhjacobs on December 28, 2016, 06:03:14 PM
The land owners get a good lease payment at least once a year, if not monthly.    For each tower that is on their land.    Nobody says what that is.    The county made a bad decision to take a lump sum amount, instead of them paying taxes on each tower. This is my thinking[/size].

hhjacobs I believe you are quite correct.

However, I seem to remember reading or hearing that the landowners get $3,000,000.00 to split based on the number of windmills on their property.


I did a little research, and haven't found a public document mentioning payment to the 15 or so landowners. But, I also 'heard' (heard = hearsay) the per annum payment to them was 3 million.

Here is a link to a .pdf file of the agreement with the County:

In part, it describes a Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) Agreement. It says, " . . . . payment shall be in the amount of $4,500.00 multiplied by the gross nameplate capacity as measured in megawatts actually installed as of the close of the particular calendar year . . . . " so the County gets $4500 for each megawatt of production capacity per year for twenty years. The County gets this money whether the windmills turn or not. That might be more favorable then a tax that would probably be based on energy (megawatts) sold. Although there may be other trade-offs.

I also found this tidbit: The Caney River Wind Farm in Elk County is using the Vestas V-90 turbines in which each turbine will be producing 1.8 MW of energy. The V-90 model is 262 feet tall at the hub and has a blade length of 144 feet). The total height is 410 feet with the blades extended to the full height. . . . . Model V-90 has a proven track record for long term productivity and durability, not only in the state, but also nationally. The turbines have an additional cooling system on top of the nacelles. These coolers were not added to the first phase of the Smoky Hills Wind Farm, and they have had over heating problems during the summer inside the nacelles.

Another website said the project constructed 111 windmills. I went to Google Earth and twice counted 110 windmills on their November 2014 imagery. Let's use 111. So there are 111 turbines with each having a 1.8 megawatt capacity. That is a total project capacity of 199.8 MW. The County receives $4,500 for each of those MW. Or the County receives $899,100.00 per year, for twenty years.

Okay, now, just what is the County doing with that money? Where do I find that information. Will the good ladies at the Courthouse desks open the County's ledger sheets for me? Does that require a FOIA?

Ross, to my knowledge we have not met.

The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate


That is a lot of good information, I had read most of that when it first took place but have a short memory. LOL

County Commissioner said at a Commissioners meeting that the county is getting less and less money each year.

Were you aware the wind farm is owned by an Enel an Italian Company and that 1/3 of that company is owned by the Italian Government?

Guess where the profits go?

If you care to have coffee sometime PM me. I;m available most of the time.
I have a great boss being retired. LOL

Good night.

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