Excellent Reasons to leave Elk County and Kansas

Started by Ross, December 27, 2016, 06:17:40 PM

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Isn't the TVA owned by the government?  If so, that says a lot about why the TVA is "buying" electricity from Elk County - to make their own government sponsored electric production project appear to be economically viable - needed.   Laundering government money to worthless projects - crony capitalism.

Republicans and Obama agree on many things.  Wind Farms and ethanol are two of their favorite socialist causes.  Tyrants they are.


Ross the towers are in the hills of Elk county not Moline. The land owners have paid commercial property tax on the land where  each tower is from the time each tower was finished. AND AGAIN WITH A ? MARK, WHY DO YOU NOT JUST LEAVE ELK COUNTY IF YOU DO NOT LIKE IT HERE??


All this government propaganda about having an expanded tax base isn't making for a better America.  It's digging a deeper and broader hole for the promotion and support of socialism.  Socialism doesn't create jobs, it destroys liberty and grows tyranny.   

China, a communist country, is getting the real deals while America gets Wind Power projects, Ethanol programs, lottery tickets and gambling casinos; all government endorsed and supported "industries".  Let's call it what it is:  National Socialism

Ross might not understand or have factural knowledge about the electricity "industry", however he understands the government involvement and the supporters of socialism don't like his stand -  even though Ross' stand makes much more sense.   Whether the wind towers are in the hills or in town,  everybody shares according to the socialists.  Keep sharing your socialist ways for tyranny.

Appears to be nothing more than trickle-down socialism to end Amerioca as we once knew it.


Quote from: proelkco on December 31, 2016, 09:39:47 AM
Ross the towers are in the hills of Elk county not Moline.

Oh I get it you don't recognize the point that it matters not that the electricity s not manufactured in Timbucktwo.

Quote from: ROSS on December 30, 2016, 03:31:43 PM
It does not matter where the electricity goes in or comes out. The TVA pays Enel for what is generated on the hills of Moline not what is generated in Timbucktwo.

The hills are Elk County, not in Moline
The hills are in Kansas, not in Moline !
The hills are in the USofA not in Moline.
The hills are actually on the planet Earth!

Really irrelevant to the conversation, isn't it?   LOL


Whoa. What's the saying, "let's not throw the baby out with the bath water." I want to separate energy development from government regulation of energy. They do not necessarily go hand in hand. If the burden of government were lifted, it does not follow that ethanol, wind farms, and other 'alternative' energies, that are currently subsidized, would disappear. The local wind farm is not a bad thing in and of itself.

What is bad about it, in my opinion, is the centralized, regulatory control of it. From permitting through construction, production, distribution, and cost, Washington DC's corrupt fingerprints are all over it. And that centralized control produces a huge shift in wealth from the poor and middle classes to the wealthy, from rural areas to large cities, from people to investment elitists. Some of that wealth flows openly where everyone can see it; some of it moves under the table where it is believed to be invisible and unaccountable.

Now, if/when the governments are no longer involved in regulation of energy, Elk County might still have wind farms. And why not? The area has the wind necessary for the present technology. Without government control/interference, a private party might use venture capital to develop a wind farm much like we have today, maybe smaller or larger, based on the developer's research. Maybe the development would negotiate similarly with the land owners of the wind turbine sites; maybe the landowners would buy-in and become part of the business. Options are many in a free market when government is gone.

The problem is government, not energy development, be it wind, solar, ethanol, or other. Energy develop and use is probably the number two demand among America's natural resources. With 320 million Americans, and still growing, we need all energy options on the table moving forward. And those options best serve the people and the natural resources when they are presented in a free market, a market that both conserves resources AND minimizes cost to the buyer.
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate


You're right!  The problem is government - it's those who are elected who initiate socialism.

The Fed's have socialized America - trickle-down socialism - and locals are right there with 'em to catch the next drip.

You don't have a conservative base in Elk County government with 2 of 3 commissioners leaning to the socialist cause.

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