Hostility Toward Russia . . . .

Started by redcliffsw, December 13, 2016, 06:24:17 AM

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Hostility Toward Russia Becomes Hostility to ExxonMobil Chairman and CEO Tillerson

Rubio, Graham and McCain oppose Trump on the possible appointment of the Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil as Secretary of State, a man by the name of Rex Tillerson. Why?

These three want to contain Russia and somehow get rid of Putin. They'd like to see him replaced by a man or woman who'd sell out Russian interests to America. They don't want cooperation with Russia on any world problems. They want hostility, not friendship.

They do not believe in markets as ways forward. They believe only in power politics.
-Michael Rozeff

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McConnell and Ryan Join the Anti-Trump Anti-Russian Bandwagon

We are seeing that people like McConnell and Ryan are hypocrites and fail to have the interests of Americans in mind. If they did, they'd have been investigating the American government! Just think of all the possible places and ways to investigate!
-Michael Rozeff

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