Gun Control: Hawglegs and Hawgwash . . .

Started by redcliffsw, December 05, 2016, 06:51:10 AM

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Quote from: proelkco on December 31, 2016, 09:42:41 AM
If anyone is hateful in replies Ross that would be you.

Isn't that something like calling the kettle black? LOL

Read on:


Quote from: proelkco on December 31, 2016, 09:39:47 AM
Ross the towers are in the hills of Elk county not Moline. The land owners have paid commercial property tax on the land where  each tower is from the time each tower was finished.

I'm sorry, you may see it that way. But the truth is until we got a new assessor who went out and got the dimensions and figured the commercial property tax, it was taxed as farmland. I personally heard the man say he was going to do exactly that.

Quote from: proelkco on December 31, 2016, 09:39:47 AM

Your question mark this time does not negate your ugliness the first time around.
Let me quote the nasty remark for you:
Quote from: proelkco on December 28, 2016, 07:50:47 AM
If you don't like it here in Elk county or Kansas then leave.

Not such a nice person after all, are you?


But alas, I only dabble in the truth, and that irritates the hell out of you liberals that are destroying this beautiful county. Through extreme taxation which is very detrimental to the economy and. trying to keep business out of Elk County. But you guys failed keeping the Dollar Store out, didn't you.?

Your very own Liberal County Commissioner Kaminska said the County is predicted to continue losing population during a Commissioner Meeting and it would be difficult to continue County Business because of that fact.
Do they plan for it?

Not by giving away $100,000.00 of taxpayer dollars. do they?

Is that planning Is that critical thinking?

Spending every dollar thy they get and not paying off the County's debt's, is that planning?

Is there any critical thinking in that kind of planning?

There is definitely no Pro Elk County in the above attitudes, I just explained, NONE!

Not hardly and you just don't like the truth, do you?


Diane Amberg

Ross, you'll never get it and tossing grenades at me doesn't and never will work. If you are trying to copy The Donald" you have failed.
I can have opinions just like everyone else. Eventually even you will find out how you are really being conned...and not like you think. I just smile and shake my head. You are following the bell goat right to slaughter.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 03, 2017, 12:20:47 PM
Ross, you'll never get it and tossing grenades at me doesn't and never will work. If you are trying to copy The Donald" you have failed.
I can have opinions just like everyone else. Eventually even you will find out how you are really being conned...and not like you think. I just smile and shake my head. You are following the bell goat right to slaughter.

I don't follow any body or organization as you obviously do from your past posts.

Grenades, I got no grenades. You surely must mean the truth, the truths that you can not comprehend. It is with great pleasure that I spar with you after standing up for you when I first came to this forum. I was so terribly wrong for doing that although it did not take long to learn of your visciousness.

You my dear should get some kind of education other than what organizations brain wash you with! And you should understand very few people will believe the fantasy's that you post.

Perhaps you could do some reading up on the "Dumbing Down of America", after all you claim to have been a part of it, unbeknownst to you. You claimed to have been a teacher.

Perhaps if you haven't forgot how to learn you might read and learn about "The Dumbing Down of America" at

Good luck in 2017 at putting people down.

Diane Amberg

I graduated from college 50 years ago and have been enjoying retirement for several years now. I know exactly who I am, was and will be. I have no plans to be anyone else. I am content and at peace, unlike some   who still are clueless to the real world and keep stirring a tiny pot.
You can tilt at windmills all you want and pretend to do harm to me. Fruitless. My friends are still my friends, now including the newly minted Governor of Delaware, who I have known for many years...and the new Mayor of Wilmington and everyone having to do with the Govt. of Newark. Same deal. Throw manure all ya want. It suits yer personality. You just don't matter to me. Everything ya print now is old and very stale...nothing new or informative. YAWN.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 03, 2017, 04:17:33 PM
I graduated from college 50 years ago and have been enjoying retirement for several years now. I know exactly who I am, was and will be. I have no plans to be anyone else. I am content and at peace, unlike some   who still are clueless to the real worldand keep stirring a tiny pot.

The tiny pot in this world allows the bigger pots to be more corrupted than themselves. I know I am speaking well over and above your rusty intellect, but let me try to explain. People like you who have rusty old college degrees and quite learning after receiving the paper are intellectual cripples.

Let me explain a little further, you live in the state of Delaware and the state of confusion because you think you have some knowledge of local politics in Elk County, Kansas. The little knowledge you have is force fed to you like a rat in a laboratory and you believe it and do as you are told on this forum by the keepers of the lab rats. Living 1,400 miles from Elk County, Kansas and you think local politics is your business to include bad mouthing people that live here in the midst of it daily and pay the property tax that the county operates on. All the while ignoring the local politics there in Delaware where you live.

Let me enlighten you a little more! If people can't keep their cities and towns local governments in check and responding to the people and corruption is permitted on these local levels it just escalates at the higher levels of government. In other words, if stirring the little pot requires politicians on the local level to be upright in every community across the state and across the country, perhaps then the local politicians would require the same of the politicians at the state level. You see, you just can't start with the big pot and work your way down to the little pot, it's not a top-down situation that would stand a chance. It has to be from the bottom up. It has to start at the local level. It's a shame you have no idea what the problems your local government has and attempt to be part of the solution to solve the problems at home.

Your education stopped 50 years ago with a degree to teach grammar school.
I've taught many things to adults without having a diploma. I have taught adults technical and practical knowledge of Shipboard electrical installation, maintenance, and repair. I have taught young adults, work ethics and honesty all without a degree. I provided leadership in real emergency situations as well as everyday on the job labor. I have shown leadership over persons with college degrees in the military and as a federal employee, again without a piece of paper, without a degree.

Before I move on let me reiterate you have apparently stopped learning or why else would you not read and remark on the Dumbing Down of America. I provided you with an excellent start to start learning and nothing. Is that perhaps you feel guilty for being a part of it due to lack of knowledge?
Here let me quote the information once again.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 03, 2017, 12:20:47 PM

Perhaps if you haven't forgot how to learn you might read and learn about "The Dumbing Down of America" at

Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 03, 2017, 04:17:33 PM
You can tilt at windmills all you want and pretend to do harm to me. Fruitless.
My oh my. Diane, I wish you no harm. I have simply tried to impart tidbits of wisdom that seem to exceed the ability of a liberal to comprehend. A long distance Liberal at that. Your next remark justifies the comment of the ability of a liberal to comprehend.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 03, 2017, 04:17:33 PM
My friends are still my friends, now including the newly minted Governor of Delaware, who I have known for many years...and the new Mayor of Wilmington and everyone having to do with the Govt. of Newark. Same deal.

I am not impressed by such statements by a liberal. Friends with politicians, ROFLMAO!
First, they are politicians and they need people like you to be their puppets, nothing more. Or you are trying to impress someone with a lie. We know how strongly you feel about organizations and how you belong. Organizations tell you what to think and what to do and they pat you on the back for being their puppet. But to be your friend, you have to be kidding! Your definition of a friend is considerably different than mine. My friend has a problem --- I am there to help and vice-versa. When has your friend the governor or the mayor came, when you needed help? Never, he might send an aid or call a cab for you. But would he come and pull you out of a ditch, would he come and shovel your sidewalk if you we incapable for some physical reason? No!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 03, 2017, 04:17:33 PM
Throw manure all ya want. It suits yer personality.

I don't throw manure, I tell it like it is ! And you find the truth painful just like all other liberals.

And you know nothing of my personality.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 03, 2017, 04:17:33 PM
You just don't matter to me.

If only that was true. But then again I would not be able to share my words of wisdom with you.
If only you could comprehend that wisdom you could, could let go of me. But then what would I do for entertainment?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 03, 2017, 04:17:33 PM
Everything ya print now is old and very stale...nothing new or informative. YAWN.

Your lack of comprehension is showing.
There is nothing old and stale about the following except for the fact that you quit learning 50 years ago.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 03, 2017, 12:20:47 PM

Perhaps if you haven't forgot how to learn you might read and learn about "The Dumbing Down of America" at

Read it and learn something new --- that really is very old.

TTFN Sweetie.

Diane Amberg

Poor Ross, what would you do with your time if you didn't have people to pick at and look down your nose at. Most of your self serving sarcasm comes from Trump's hand book, page 91. The several pages after that are recipes for slicing and dicing your fellow man. HA!
Why do you think the average Kansan is still interested in your old stale diatribes after all these years?   Same old, same old....boring!  As far as who I know? Who cares? It's easy in little Delaware.
My family still in Kansas doesn't have to force feed me anything about Kansas politics. They know what I am interested in and what I am not. Just say Brownback and that's enough.  :angel:
I can't wait until you folks get the real picture about Trump... a very successful con man who will totally ignore everything that has come before. He wouldn't know the truth if it bit him....and doesn't care. He will say whatever benefits himself. The political Pied Piper lives.
My life is full and for the most part rewarding. My husband having cancer and losing stamina to Post Polio Syndrome can be complicated, but we push along day by day.His good days are very good and we can do a lot but the bad days are very bad.
As far as gun control, President O. didn't take your guns away and I don't think Trump cares one way or another. Some segments of the population are invisible to him...worthless, and not worth a second thought. Now go find someone else to pick on who might care. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Under Trump, your socialist cause for America will continue to grow.  Probably not as fast as Obama or certainly not as fast as Hillary would have had it if she was elected.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 04, 2017, 07:40:37 PM
My husband having cancer and losing stamina to Post Polio Syndrome can be complicated, but we push along day by day.His good days are very good and we can do a lot but the bad days are very bad.

I won't join your pity train.   Always the self pity!   Poor, poor Diane, dot have the self pity in every post as if she is the only person in the world dealing with life threatening medical problems. It has absolutlu nothing to do with the subject of disscussion

Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 04, 2017, 07:40:37 PM

I don't think

Taken out of context but very truthfully spoken.
I could not have said it better.

How can you think when you quit learning 50 years ago when you got that diploma to teach kindergarten.  Other wise you might know something about the "Dumbing Down of America" !
I sent you the following link twice and still you have gained no knowledge.
Here it is again, just for you{

Quote from: ROSS on January 03, 2017, 02:37:25 PM

Perhaps if you haven't forgot how to learn you might read and learn about "The Dumbing Down of America" at

Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 04, 2017, 07:40:37 PM
Now go find someone else to pick on who might care.

Me pick on you? Never!  Just trying to enlighten you! For instance the pity train needs to be posted elsewhere. It's getting real old. Perhaps the forun night set up a Pity Train Topic for you!
Just trying to educate you! See the link above, about the "Dumbing Down of America".

You care Diane, you care an awful lot! In fact, you have an unhealthy infatuation with me or you would not keep coming back to garner my wisdom.

Just keep asking and I will provide all I can.

I gotta run, gotta very important mission to complete.

Have a great day Diane.


Diane Amberg

 ;D ;D ;D ;D. The view and the subject never changes does it? You are one uncaring, nasty piece of work who lies just to be heard by your so called "friends''. I've already gotten PMs about your last  post. Ross, they are laughing at you!  My, my how uncivil you can be. It's no wonder there are so many who read but never post. Who needs the nasty retorts?
Now I have funeral plans to see if I can help with. Lost two real old timer friends from the fire company. Both in their 90's. They were  very helpful to me when I was just starting out many years ago. As far as my not learning anything new? HA!!!!!!I sure have Trump figured out. It's a shame that many don't. They are sure in for a big surprise. You better do some reading and see what history shows he has in store for us all.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on January 08, 2017, 12:05:03 PM
;D ;D ;D ;D. The view and the subject never changes does it? You are one uncaring, nasty piece of work who lies just to be heard by your so called "friends''. I've already gotten PMs about your last  post. Ross, they are laughing at you!  My, my how uncivil you can be. It's no wonder there are so many who read but never post. Who needs the nasty retorts?
Now I have funeral plans to see if I can help with. Lost two real old timer friends from the fire company. Both in their 90's. They were  very helpful to me when I was just starting out many years ago. As far as my not learning anything new? HA!!!!!!I sure have Trump figured out. It's a shame that many don't. They are sure in for a big surprise. You better do some reading and see what history shows he has in store for us all.

Shouldn't you place the funeral information in the "Obituaries" section! Isn't that why there is an "Obituaries" section ? Even if they happened in the "Twilight Zone". Take your medicine, please.

You continue your same old twisty-turny think just like a well trained Liberal.
You a;ways and I mean always fall back on the same old self pity as if you are the only person on earth with family medical problems. They sad thing is you do it during and on this and other political threads and I find it really uncouth!

And as far as being nansty, I told what a nasty bitch you are when you attacked our military, our veterans and my son. No one can stand up to your level of nastiness, no one.

I thought you were over your infatuation with me when you said you put me on ignore eight months ago. Just goes to show the value of your word and that you can not be trusted.

I only respond to you out of humor, it's a kick in the ass  to see where you go next.

This time you have returned once again with your imaginary friends with PM's ! And they apparently approve of your self-pity by PM'ing you.

Once again with the "Twilight Zone" theme. Very good.  In your "Twilight Zone"  I have recieved Millions of PM"s . LOL (big time)

Oh as far as what Trump may or may not do when he gets in office ---- no one knows unless they are from the "Twilight Zone".

But we know Hillary walked away from our military and an Ambassador in a hostlel country to die.

Be sure to take your medicine and have a .great day.

Awaiting your next "Twilight Zone" themed post when you forget to take your medicine.

It's been fun hearing from you again. Remember i told you if you call me in this manner I will respond. I'm good to my word.

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