Trump wins . . . .

Started by redcliffsw, November 09, 2016, 07:11:55 AM

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The establishment will not go down without fighting back, and it has many devious ways to do this. A Trump presidency will run into strong resistance and infiltration from establishment forces. The election is only an opening battle. The fate of a reordered Republican Party now lies in the hands of Donald Trump as does the fate of a reordered U.S. government.
-Michael Rozeff

Diane Amberg

and here I thought Trump said it was all rigged.... ;D ;D ;D ;D


Diane- Are you sure Trump did NOT mean the election was fully rigged, like a sailboat, and ready to set sail? Ah, the English language! No, I agree, that was not his intent.

I saw only three reported incidences of voting machines voting the wrong way, and each favored Hillary, or maybe Democrats in general. Maybe not much rigging occurred, but maybe it just was not reported by the MSM. And maybe a lot occurred and that was the only reason Trump did not win in a proverbial landslide. That I doubt, but it remains a possibility, and may explain Hillary's apparent difficulty in acknowledging defeat. Or, maybe it was just her air of entitlement that made losing difficult.

So politics will go on for the first time in a generation without the Clintonistas. For that I thank Trump. If America is lucky, politics will also go forward without another Bush, as Trump (also) dispatched their young whelp in the primaries.

I know you've been free to ridicule Trump on this blog, so I have to ask; what do you see coming in the next four years? What worries you about his policies? Anything about them you might like?

Other readers as well, any thoughts to share?
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate


     Ding dong the wicked witch is dead.


For sure it's good that Hillary is gone.

But don't forget that Trump is a Republican and he's from the Northeast so he has a lot of liberal ideas.  And the "establishment" will be lobbying Trump for themselves.  Neocons and One-Worlder's had Hillary on their side for their war plans and they'll want to have Trump too.

Diane Amberg

 Wake up.....Delaware did it's weird usual. The two lower countries,very rural, went for Trump and the upper one, where most of the population is, went for Hillary. He has had some good ideas all along, but I seriously doubt he can deliver them.
His tweeting addiction and revenge attitude bothers me. He reminds me of the dog who chased the truck down the road, but when he finally caught it, he didn't know what to do with it.HA!
I like his infrastructure ideas, eliminate ethanol, he can eliminate the DOE and it wouldn't bother me. Strengthening the military and trying to get industry going again sounds good, but can it be done as simply as he makes it sound? Take a hard look at subsidies. Bring back the draft? Will he get us into more war?
His ideas about rounding up millions of people is not realistic and smacks too much of the hysteria preceding the rounding up of innocent Japanese years ago. Of course everyone would like lower taxes, but some how his big ideas have to be paid for. He can't just sue his way to success, and he has pending law suits against him ..Impeachment material already. A wall Mexico will pay for? of course not.
He wanted it, he got it. (Now we'll see if his big nasty mouth will be forgiven.) He talks smaller Govt. yet look who he has already talked about for his cabinet...the same old people who will want lots of Govt. to support them.
No wonder young folks are on the march. (He thinks they are "professionals" that are being paid?)   What a nut job! They think they have lost their country before they even got to vote.( After all Hillary, did win the popular vote.)They are really scared and they have no history to help put things in perspective.We'll wait and see, but I am still worried.
Sorry, I know this rambles, but I don't have any time today to redo it. Al has a free meal nearby and we're going to go enjoy it.


Delaware, a three-county state. That's weird-usual enough for me! But if you look at the country-wide map of election results that has county borders, it is a familair trend in many if not all the states. Metro areas went to Hillary, not all, but many, rural areas almost entirely for the Trumpster.

I have to laugh at Oregon, where the protesting is strongest. Six of Oregon's 38 counties went blue, a few are white which I assume means 50:50; the rest went red. The now unhappy losers are petitioning to secede (great, as I've blogged elsewhere), and the map they show of their future new State takes in more red then blue! Good luck with that. The irony is that eastern Oregon, all red, has wanted to secede from western Oregon for some years, over differing politics (ditto for Washington State). Eastern Oregonians may willingly sign the secession proposal, but the Hillary supporters are unlikely to get the State they envision, if secession is successful. So goes politics.

I worry about Trump, also. And like you, I wonder where all the money will come from. He has said he wants to end military support in the Asian region since those countries are all wealthy enough to defend themselves. Okay. And he's suggested a pullback from NATO support, possibly a withdrawal. More okay. Hey Neo-cons, the cold war is over, the Soviet Union is dust. And he'd rather have Russia as a friend than an enemy, even being willing to let Putin handle a lot of the Middle East strife, since it is more or less in his backyard. More okay. How to convince the Pentagon of all that, war-mongering goofs that most of its leaders are?

He'll probably add to the war, er military budget, and promote greater technology and more planes and ships. So no savings there. (Although I disagree across the board with foreign intervention of any sort other than free trade, the next cycle of wars, and so defense, will be fought with remote technology and cybertactics much more than it will with strong backs in the trenches.) And he will no doubt follow the trend of Obama's droning anywhere a suspected terrorist is eating lunch. Not okay. So more killing and more money spent, money we do not have.

My guess is the Trumpster will pay for the infrastructure rebuild with some sort of private-government coalition. And we might see use-taxes, i.e. tolls, increase in use. I doubt he will reduce gas tax, so some taxes will rise.

My hope is that part of his jobs program will be to reduce business taxes as well as regulations. The Kansas governor has been panned a lot over his 'failed' economic program. My take is, 1) patience is needed, the private sector will not respond with job growth until they have savings and liquidity; and 2) make more and deeper cuts. There is some stirring economically around here. Independence has some commercial growth occurring, and it looks like the fast-food closures have stopped, a few survived. Howard has a Dollar General and that franchise is expanding everywhere it operates. The Howard Conoco has competition, A case of (small) bottled water will no longeer be twelve bucks, more like six. Ah, competition, even in a controlled market.

I sincerely believe he will build the wall. How Mexico will pay for it, I do not know. I believe increased deficit-spending will pay for it, ours, not Mexico's. Not okay, not my preferred way of controlling immigration. Nor of spending money we do not have. I agree the roundup of mostly Muslims rings of Japanese enternment during WW2 (and prior to?), at least emotionally. That was not FDR's finest hour (nor his worst). But today's situation is a bit different. The Japanese owned property and businesses, many were Japanese-Americans. They weren't fresh-off-the-boat, so to speak. Today, the country is dealing with recent immigrants who are primarily living on entitlements. And evicting them would be costly. Entitlements and defense rank one and two in (excess) federal spending, both are expenditures we need less of. I'm for controlling immigration by denying entitlements until immigrants have landed, lived here, and worked here for a period of time. Yea, it appears to be a compassionless attitude I hold. My feeling is taxing hard working Joes and Bettys against their will is even less compassionate.

But we will see a wall, probably at any expense. It will be ugly. I envision 50-caliber machine guns, laser guns, napalm to provide clear site, ground-penetrating radar, helos with huge lights and small missiles operating 24/7. And many Americans will applaude the carnage, claiming safety and America first.

Well, you can see I did not have a free lunch to attend. May the week-end provide us blue skies and green lights. And by the way, that free meal? It wasn't free.   :>))

The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government.

The greatest mistake in American history was letting government educate our children.
- Harry Browne, 1996/2000 Libertarian Party Presidential candidate

Diane Amberg

All vets, including my husband, paid for those "free" meals in blood, sweat and in some cases family tears. One of my friends just had a shirt made up that says Tet Vet. We agreed very few young people get what it means. Most all the restaurants around here do annual free vet meals on the day.
   There are still things that Trump might to. How about stopping the free flow of money across the border. Or  a hefty tax on exit money being sent home to Mexico by the labor force here, illegals and otherwise. I don't think the Constitution means much to him, so who knows? Perhaps he'll start a true national identity card...(Papers please?) He still scares me.
Do you remember when all aliens had to report to the local post office and fill out their alien status and particulars every January? I do. Failure to do so meant big trouble and even possible deportation even if they were legal, but still not citizens. It will be interesting, if not terrifying to see what really unfolds.

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