Virginia Flaggers . . .

Started by redcliffsw, October 30, 2016, 05:45:42 AM

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Over the weekend, I spoke at the Whiteville, NC SCV Camp. During Q&A after my presentation, one gentleman posed the following question..."Of all the great moments that the Va Flaggers have experienced, what is your PERSONAL FAVORITE... a moment when you just knew liberal heads were exploding...?" As of today, I have a new answer to that question...THIS PHOTO!

Today, at the annual Veterans Day service at the Virginia War Memorial, wreaths were laid by local Sons of Confederate Veterans Camps in memory of our Confederate Veterans. In this photo, a Veteran of color, is seen helping another Veteran of color place one of the wreaths, while our Confederate Battle Flag-hating Governor stands just a few feet away.

A friend described it best...fighting men respect other fighting men....period.

Today's service, and this photo, are striking reminders of the fact that when left alone and not influenced by the ignorance and hate of meddlesome Yankees and self-loathing scalawags, we, the people of the South, have no trouble showing respect for one another.

God bless ALL of our Veterans...and God Save the South!



FOUR New Roadside Confederate Battle Flag Memorials Raised

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Good to see someone in America taking a stand for America. 

Fly your Confederate flag.

Diane Amberg

Ya better fly the Trump flag instead. HA!I don't think he cares a hoot about the confederacy unless he can make money from it somehow. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


The South was right.  The South was in defense of the Constitution of the uSA.  The north was not - the north changed the uSA.  As for Trump, he's pretty much a NE yankee type and so is Hillary, but hopefully Trump is not as bad as Hillary.

Stand against tyranny - fly your Confederate flag for America.



The Virginia Flaggers are pleased to announce the dedication yesterday of our 24th Roadside Battle Flag in Virginia, and the 15th raised in Danville since Danville City Council voted to strip the 3x5 Third National from the Confederate Monument on the grounds of the Last Capitol of the Confederacy.

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Ever since the war, blacks and whites have been taught fake history.

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