Hurricane Hysteria

Started by redcliffsw, October 08, 2016, 04:45:02 AM

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Quote from: frawin on October 09, 2016, 10:05:05 AM

Ultra Conservative - It seems that"Neo Conservative" is a better fit for you as you're more like John McCain, Lindsey Graham. or the Bush's.  Is that about right or should I re-think it?

Diane Amberg

For both of you, Ross and Red. Dealing with hurricanes is not political or a matter of opinion. It is a matter of changing facts and being smart enough to listen to the experts and shift as necessary as the forecasts change...and they will.
At least 11 people in the south east have died, most unnecessarily. Calling me stupid just lets other readers know more about who you really are. Too bad.
Here in Delaware, we have had to prepare for many hurricane and tropical storm attacks over the years. We have had several unnecessary deaths that should never have happened.
We first responders take hurricanes seriously. It takes days to prepare and watch the storm's progress. It is a real insult to the Leos, fire fighters and EMT's that some think it's a big joke.


Quote from: redcliffsw on October 08, 2016, 04:45:02 AM

The feds deny they're exaggerating the hurricane, but of course they are. Why? To terrorize us, setup local FEMA dictatorships, and in general order us around. How they love "mandatory evacuations." Oh, and to promote Hillary's climate lies against the denying Trump. The crony media are happy to join in for ratings and state brownie points, and because they're mostly pinkos themselves. Good for the armed people who stay with their homes to have fun and prevent looting.
-Lew Rockwell

Diane please re-read the subject once again for comprehension !
1. Which sentence mentions first responders? is it (circle one)
1 2 3 4 5 6 or 7 or none of the above

      2.   Which sentence mentions that hurricanes are not dangerous? is it (circle one)
                  1 2 3 4 5 6 or 7 or none of the above

       3.   Which sentence mentions that hurricanes are a joke? is it (circle one)
                  1 2 3 4 5 6 or 7 or none of the above

       4.   Which sentence judges what hurricanes are? is it (circle one)
                  1 2 3 4 5 6 or 7 or none of the above

       5.   Which sentence states that no one should practice safety? (circle one)
                  1 2 3 4 5 6 or 7 or none of the above

Now perhaps you are able to understand that the subject of the article and that it is about government propaganda concerning Global Warming which is now called Climate Change?

Yet with zero comprehension you jump right out calling red STUPID.
You were the first poster after the main subject was posted. 
STUPID is the fifth word you typed.

Here is that highly intelligent post for you and your friends and Hillary to review.
I Quoted your post word for word before you can delete or alter it;
Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 08, 2016, 08:07:27 AM
Really? You are really more stupid than I thought if you believe any of that. Hurricanes can only be predicted to a certain point and beyond that it's be safe rather than sorry. Come here and sit through one before you judge.

Here is your post that prompted me a redneck to go to the trouble of educating you who holds a
college degree. And I am pleased to help the less fortunate whenever I can. You are welcome!
And once again I Quoted your post word for word before you can delete or alter it;
Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 10, 2016, 08:59:05 AM
For both of you, Ross and Red. Dealing with hurricanes is not political or a matter of opinion. It is a matter of changing facts and being smart enough to listen to the experts and shift as necessary as the forecasts change...and they will.
At least 11 people in the south east have died, most unnecessarily. Calling me stupid just lets other readers know more about who you really are. Too bad.
Here in Delaware, we have had to prepare for many hurricane and tropical storm attacks over the years. We have had several unnecessary deaths that should never have happened.
We first responders take hurricanes seriously. It takes days to prepare and watch the storm's progress. It is a real insult to the Leos, fire fighters and EMT's that some think it's a big joke.

The only insults are your lack of comprehension and your insults to intelligence and your continuous bragging.

This thread was never about you!

Try to have a good evening.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 10, 2016, 08:59:05 AM
For both of you, Ross and Red. Dealing with hurricanes is not political or a matter of opinion. It is a matter of changing facts and being smart enough to listen to the experts and shift as necessary as the forecasts change...and they will.
At least 11 people in the south east have died, most unnecessarily. Calling me stupid just lets other readers know more about who you really are. Too bad.
Here in Delaware, we have had to prepare for many hurricane and tropical storm attacks over the years. We have had several unnecessary deaths that should never have happened.
We first responders take hurricanes seriously. It takes days to prepare and watch the storm's progress. It is a real insult to the Leos, fire fighters and EMT's that some think it's a big joke.

People die all the time.  How much more government do we need to increase for you?  You're dependent upon government for yourself to dictate to others. 

Diane Amberg

Dear Donalds number one and two. Go away. Every time you come back at me ya sound more and more strange and demented. Enjoy entertaining your friends....whoever they may be.The hurricane happened, and the results are still happening south of here, not where you are.The death toll is up to at least 20 as more bodies are found.
People die all the time? Such deep thinking! It's OK to risk the rescuers for people who literally don't have enough sense to come in out of the rain? Figures. 'Nuff said. Now go play with someone who is as warped as you are.Sheesh!


there is no one more warped


Quote from: proelkco on October 12, 2016, 11:38:37 AM
there is no one more warped

Quote from: Diane Amberg on October 12, 2016, 09:03:34 AM
Dear Donalds number one and two. Go away. Every time you come back at me ya sound more and more strange and demented. Enjoy entertaining your friends....whoever they may be.The hurricane happened, and the results are still happening south of here, not where you are.The death toll is up to at least 20 as more bodies are found.
People die all the time? Such deep thinking! It's OK to risk the rescuers for people who literally don't have enough sense to come in out of the rain? Figures. 'Nuff said. Now go play with someone who is as warped as you are.Sheesh!

I'm proud to be a conservative American and not a dumb ass Clinton loving LIBERAL.
Unlike a lying Killary loving ignoramus that fails a simple multiple answer quiz on the subject of this thread.
Both of you are displaying a lack of comprehension.

Proelkco I have been told you are Mrs Liebau, is that so?
Proelkco if you are so proud of Elk County Why do you hide behind a fake name?

It must be fake pride.


All you had to do is ask and I would tell you I am Nancy Liebau. So why don't you ask everyone else why they use a nickname?

Diane Amberg

Unfortunately, the death toll is still rising as more bodies are being found and the rivers haven't crested yet.
I must admit I've never seen a gun that would make a very good life jacket. Of the dozen or so we have here, not one would keep me from drowning.
Who is Ross anyway? He demands we take quizzes? Such self perceived power! What secret part of Govt. does he represent?
This whole business with those two would be completely laughable except for the families of the more than 30 now who have perished.They are not laughing. Hysteria? I'd hardly think so. Some people are just so dense ya can't get through to them. Remember the old joke about the mule? There are human versions too. HA!
I can't imagine that I have anything so valuable here that I'd risk a drowning death to stay if we were told to leave, nor would I stay to protect "stuff" with a gun.The intruder better be getting out too, or risk drowning also. Actually, as high as we are here, the likelihood of our being swamped is very small, aside from some water in the basement from the springs in the hills around us. I do feel very sorry for those who are dealing with the real thing.I hope they never encounter a Ross or Red. How depressing would that be?


So glad you are safe. The death toll is so sad.

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