AMES, Gladys Permelia - b. December 2, 1892 - d. September 28, 1906

Started by ddurbin, February 10, 2007, 08:42:00 AM

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(from THE MOLINE REVIEW  Oct. 5, 1906)

Gladys Permelia Ames, only daughter of J. S. and Mertie L. Ames was born in Elk county, Kansas, December 2, 1892, and died at the home of her parents in Moline, Kansas September 28, 1906.

On January 8, 1905 she united with the Methodist Episcopal church on probation.  At the time the other members of her class were received into full membership she was absent on account of ill health and consequently, was never received into full membership.

Gladys was an exemplary christian girl, and by her sweet, cheerful disposition scattered sunshine wherever she went.  Just the day before she died she was lying upon her bed with her eyes closed, her mother sitting by her side, when suddenly she opened her eyes and looking around the room said. "Everything is so bright, mamma; what makes it?"

One year ago last February she fell, bruising her left hip.  This bruise terminated in what her physicians pronounced sarcoma, which proved fatal.  On the 28 of May she was taken by her parents to St. Joseph's hospital, Kansas City, where neither money nor effort was spared to restore health but physicians, science, skill, all were baffled and death claimed his victim.  She leaves father, mother, two brothers and other relatives to mourn for her.

Her funeral was conducted by her pastor, Rev. J. R. Hankins, assisted by her former pastor, Rev. G. E. Tift of Howard, Rev. W. C. Goodwin and her Sunday school superintendent, S. Z. Ellsworth.

She was interred in the cemetery at Ames Chapel.  At the funeral the church was filled to overflowing with sympathizing friends.

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