Political Opinions from the East Coast

Started by Diane Amberg, August 14, 2015, 09:47:11 AM

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You don't think that Trump is the guy to keep us in the New World Order?

I have to admit I don't think Trump is being a very good socialist or one-worlder.  No wonder that the Republicans, Obama and Hillary don't take much liking to him.

Diane Amberg

Trump is for nothing and no one except himself. I don't think he would know a modern socialist from a communist from a skin head to an anarchist.
He doesn't read history. He sees himself as making it off the backs of anyone who gets in his way.That's what is wanted as our President? We might as well retire the position


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 06, 2016, 08:10:12 AM
Trump is for nothing and no one except himself. I don't think he would know a modern socialist from a communist from a skin head to an anarchist.
He doesn't read history. He sees himself as making it off the backs of anyone who gets in his way.That's what is wanted as our President? We might as well retire the position

Say what ?
That is what all the politicians do!
What business doesn't make it iff the backs of other people?
They all sell Economic Development so their business get richer making them richer!

Don't you love Economic Development any longer?

How do you know what he reads in privacy?

And Hillary is above the law !

We have no body really running for President that is worth a Damn.
Having Obama campaigning for her is really not a plus. I hope he keeps it up on a weekly basis.

But in my opinion Trump (whom I do not like) is the lesser of two evils.
There is really nothing else to vote for.


Quote from Ross:
But in my opinion Trump (whom I do not like) is the lesser of two evils.
There is really nothing else to vote for.

Nothing new here. Seems like that has pretty much been our option for way too many elections anymore.


Quote from: jarhead on July 08, 2016, 10:25:58 AM
Quote from Ross:
But in my opinion Trump (whom I do not like) is the lesser of two evils.
There is really nothing else to vote for.

Nothing new here. Seems like that has pretty much been our option for way too many elections anymore.

I agree with you Jarhead, it has been going on far too long.

We may not even make it to elections.

Obama is working real hard to start a Black and White war.


It has already started with what has happened in Dallas. It will just continue, and get worse. The down side is they will go for the gun laws, not the people that did the shooting.


Has anyone looked into the Libertarian Party?As a registered long time Republican I was looking for a alternative to the crook or the liar.(not saying any names)and came across Gary Johnson,so I went to the libertarian web site and been checking them out.I hope this can be a good talking point.

Diane Amberg

Actually, I did look at Gary Johnson. I'm afraid he would just be a spoiler and help have the election handed to Trump, who still scares me.
I watched all of both conventions (I've never done that before) trying to sort out the typical campaign rhetoric that permeates all of them and get to the roots of what the country would be like with either of them as president.
Trump says he gets his economic information from TV "stories"...certainly not a sign of deep thinking. He has no political experience of any kind and seems to rankle and insult people as just part of his normal conversation. I really believe he would be clueless in dealing with congress, which like it or not will still be there. Surely he doesn't think he can bully and sue Congress into giving him his way.
As far as interacting with other countries, his recent escapades with Russia.... mouth first, engage brain later, says plenty. One cannot demand a "do over" for everything. He is a headline seeker first and a "leader" second.
I still have a hard time seeing him representing us on the world stage. Would he personally attend high end funerals and show up at disasters to comfort people or will we hear "he has people for that."
So he had tons of money...even worse...how can he possibly relate to the common man? He came from money also. He knows every trick to keep his money his and has a stable of well paid lawyers to give him every legal advantage. 
He cheats and lies. Just look at his "foundations" and his "college." Each one primarily adds to his wealth. It remind me of an enormous version of fund raising cheating schemes.
What is his real opinion/stance on gun control? I know the NRA is backing him, but so is the KKK.
Then there is the Electoral College. I need to read up again on the details of how that works.Will he attend church...or be "too busy. Where are his tax results? He's still ducking that. The people want to know! ( I'm not sure why it's important.)
Why has he stiffed workers and people with whom he has signed contracts? Those are the common people who he should be supporting the most.
As far as Hillary is concerned, she was given a very well organized Convention. She is trying to seem to be just the opposite of Trump. How it will play, I just don't know. There are plenty who don't like her, but if one piles the negative images of both of them, hers appears to be much smaller. Her history with Bill may make her seem like a hero, or it may hurt her.
There are some things I don't like about her, but the polls seem to have her ahead already. She has a lot of political experience and general knowledge at her disposal and was very successful and popular as a NY Senator and as Secretary of State. I already said my piece on Benghazi...  Information twisted and totally misused!
From now on they both will be pushed and pulled by handlers and their security people. She is used to it...he isn't. He's used to bodyguards, but they probably do as they are told.The secret service doesn't work that way. I'll be watching with interest as things unfold and will probably make my independent minded decision November first. Just my mental wanderings...My name is Diane and I approved this message. ;D

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