Today's Treat

Started by Wilma, December 14, 2015, 11:59:35 AM

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Today's treat is a Cooper's Hawk that was perched on the arbor close to the bird bath.  He was definitely waiting to ambush a small bird if one flew in for a drink.  Daughter went out and made him leave.  That is the closest I have been able to see this hawk.  I don't think he went far.  If he was waiting for a meal, the bird bath or the feeder is always a good place to wait in ambush.

Diane Amberg

Our resident Sharpie showed up recently too, shopping at the feeders just like your bigger hawk. Usually it snatches blackbirds, which is fine with me. She also takes mice and such which is a good thing. I know they can be cannibals, but I enjoy watching them too.


Today's unexpected treat is a perfect X in the sky, made by two contrails. 


Today's treat:  The largest flock of geese that I have ever seen flying north.  A rough estimate would be three hundred.


Today's treat and this one made me feel really good.

Approximately nine years ago, I put away some removable legs from a plastic table.  I have used these legs as holders for various things, (flags, pinwheels, etc.) on my front porch rail.  This morning I had an extra pinwheel and no available holder for it.  Knowing that somewhere in the utility room closet there was one or two or more of the legs, I set out on Safari hoping that I would run onto at least one of them.  Lo and behold, the second box I opened had these two legs.  One of them is now mounted on the front porch rail with a big pinwheel in it and the other is back in the closet, hoping that it will still be there the next time I am needing something of the sort for whatever purpose it could serve.


You are a lucky lady, being able to find what you look for!  :laugh: :laugh:


Today's treat was at the foot of my ramp this morning.  We were on our way to do a little shopping and when I got to the bottom of the ramp, there, in a position that I wasn't sure that I could get around was a little bitty baby turtle.  It couldn't have been any bigger than a half dollar.  Daughter came and moved it to a flower bed.  I sure would have hated running him down with one of my wheels.

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