MILLER, Nicholas J. - b. January 17, 1856 - d. October 23, 1939

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Howard Courant
October 26, 1939

Funeral services were held Wednesday for Nicholas J. Miller, who died at his home in Howard, Kansas, October 23, at 12:30 a.m., at the Methodist Church at 2:30 p.m., conducted by Dr. T. Restin Heath, pastor of Howard and Antioch churches, assisted by Rev. L. V. Osborne, of the Howard Presbyterian church.

The following obituary notes were read during the service:

Nicholas J. Miller, son of Paul and Elizabeth Hahn Miller, was born at Dover, Dearborn county, Indiana, January 17, 1856; departed this life October 23, 1939, at his home in Howard, Kansas, age 83 years, 9 months, and 6 days.

When a young man in February 1882 in the company of friends he went to Nebraska City, Nebraska where he obtained work and made that state his home.

On December 24, 1884, he was joined in marriage to Almira Aretice Fancher of Nebraska City, Nebraska, who passed away June 14, 1927.  To this union were born six children, five sons and one daughter; four sons dying in infancy.

With his wife and famiy he came to Howard, Kansas in 1896, residing on his farm northwest of Howard, later moving to his present farm northeast of Howard, in the Fairview district in 1904, where he resided unti December 1928, moving to Manzanola, Colorado, where he lived with his brother William Miller, until his daughter Miss Alma, went to that state to teach in 1930-32, and with whom he had made his home ever since moving to the present home in Howard, August 1933.

When a child, April 11, 1869, he was confirmed in the Evangelical Protestant church of South Gate, Indiana, a faith to which he remained faithful.

The remaining children Holly M. Miller and Alma May of the home, were at his bedside when he passed to his home beyond to a home where he many times during his last illness said, "Let's go home."

Surviving are--A daughter-in-law, Hazel, three grandchildren, Elwood and wife Bessie, Agnes and Helen.  Also his great grandson Frederick Elwood Miller, whom he loved and enjoyed, as only a great grandfather can, all of Howard, Kansas, and two brothers Jacob and Henry Miller of Manzanola, Colorado; one sister Mrs. Sophia Haining of Cedar Grove, Indiana.  The sister and her husband Ira Haining, were also with him all during his illness and assisted in a way that will long be remembered.  His brother Jacob and family also visited him during his illness, other relatives mourn his departure, also a host of friends.

He was a kind and loving father and will be loved and remembered by his children, the same as the mother who has never been forgotten.

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