KKK Protests Black Confederate . . .

Started by redcliffsw, May 12, 2016, 05:56:39 AM

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JACKSONVILLE, Fla.—A Southern Civil Rights activist - supporting the rights of the South - was protested Monday by the KKK in downtown Jacksonville.

H.K. Edgerton, a black man, was paying his respects at the Hemming Park Confederate Monument Monday morning when he was confronted by members of the KKK.

Multiple witnesses of many colors came to his defense.

Edgerton's organization told First Coast News they're not sure why the KKK protested his appearance at the monument. He's traveling through Florida because he wants to stop others from arguing the Confederate flag is a symbol of racism.

Short video:

Diane Amberg

So then that KKK group DOES want that flag to represent racism? They sure did a good job of it. Just how was that man "paying his respects?" How does one do that? They sure want to stir that pot don't they? 8)


It's the liberals like the SPLC and the KKK who want to stir the pot.  They are hate groups.

Blacks and whites have not been taught the true history of the Founders and the Confederates.  KKK people don't have any more clue to the true history than most other people - black or white.  KKK relies on the same history as taught in government schools as you do.

Indoctrination has been around since 1865.

Yes, the pot is being stirred to bring down the Confederate flag and Confederate monuments.
The socialists are furthering their cause and the government is assisting them to bring down patriotism in this country.  Tyrants are against liberty.

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