The Global Warming Hoax . . .

Started by redcliffsw, April 25, 2016, 04:12:30 AM

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The bottom line reality to virtually everything today is driven by money, power and control. The climate change issue is no different as it has been politicized to where scientific research funding is predicated on only one thing, producing results that the government desires and demands... be it in the US or research sponsored by the UN's IPCC. Thus, only researchers that produce the numbers supporting the contention that CO2 is causing rising temps get funded. Honest researching scientists who dare investigate the inconvenient truth simply don't get financed. And only the pro-global warming scientists are given a credible voice to disseminate their findings through respected journals and mainstream media outlets.

The crime cabal government is now an oligarchic fascist totalitarian police state ushering in yet another reign of terror era where truth itself becomes deep state's enemy. The elite's covert agenda to misuse and debase the educational system and mass media through pervasive social engineering and mind control designed to diabolically dumb down and brainwash multiple generations into robotically operating completely devoid of any capacity for critical thinking and reasoning, absolutely clueless in discerning truth from 24/7 lies, disinformation and propaganda has been a resounding success. That said, more citizens of the world every single day are ultimately realizing that their own government as the elite's authoritarian thugs is their true enemy merely carrying out eugenics marching orders amounting to human genocide.
-Joachim Hagopian

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Diane Amberg

Sorry. Nope, there are ideas here being twisted into climate changes that have nothing to do with the effects on weather, plants, animals, migration, melting ice caps and so on. We are seeing the effects here already. Some fish migrations here are staying much farther off shore now as the temps. close to shore are rising. The pattern changes in the food they eat is also affecting them, and that's just a tiny bit of what is going on now, not years from now.These things don't care about politics.
Remember, rising tides lift all boats. Even politicians will have to deal with all this on personal levels too.


Warriors and weather: Climate change and national security in America:

U.S. Navy Task Force Climate Change (Facebook page)

US Navy Reacts To Blockbuster Rolling Stone Climate Change Story


Global warming is just an another thing to worship the government to do something for us.

Even the worship of the military is part of the whole liberal government ideology.

Nothing said about American liberty in any of the things you posted. 

Tyrants rule.


Diane Amberg

It must be nice to have someone/thing to blame everything on.
I know here the salt line on the Delaware River moves up and back with the amount of rain we have, but the rising sea levels have the potential of causing permanent changes in the amount of fresh water there is.
(Thanks Mom, that's very interesting information.) We are also having salt water intrusions into our fresh water marshes in lower Delaware. So far they have been able to keep ahead of it with digging, dunes and diking, but it may eventually become a lost cause. Delaware is a very important part of the east coast fly way so we will have to be diligent for many, many years. Anyone who thinks this is all just a political hoax is sadly mistaken and very naive. 


Do you think that the Fed's or the UN will save the planet?

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