How Many Guns? . . . . .

Started by redcliffsw, April 23, 2016, 06:57:21 AM

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I got that one right without looking.


You sure are right! 

Wonder how many Americans would get that one? 

Diane Amberg

And the point is what? I still, after all these years, don't see anyone taking away your legal guns. If they ever  do, I suspect it will be the states that do it, not the Feds. 
Personally don't see that restricting military style weapons is a big deal anymore than I see having 100 sticks of dynamite, blasting caps, etc. in my basement makes them "fireworks" Ya get it? HA! :angel:


Yes, I get it because you're a socialist and the 2nd Amendment is another limitation on the Fed's in the Bill of Rights that you want to weaken even further or eliminate.

Diane Amberg

Hey Red, lighten up. Sheesh!
Most of my friends are hunter and fisher types with lots of equipment, and we have  guns also. I was a good shot at one time and Al would still be shooting if his Polio muscles would allow it. Please explain to me how "civilians'' having military style weapons makes me any safer that my 38 does. As long as I hit what I aim at, I'm just as effective as with a "big" gun.
If bigger is so much better, I guess I'd better build another garage and put a tank in it. What kind would you you recommend?
Ya know, every year our fire house holds a big gun show in our hall. I enjoy seeing all the stuff they have, but it's what some people may try to get away with in the parking lot that worries me. Some people just aren't mentally healthy enough to own guns safely.


       There are good reasons why LEO's don't carry 38's anymore. They were outgunned. No knockdown.

      A 22 is more deadly. It bounces around causing more holes than a surgeon can find quickly enough.

      That is why the military used the M16 in Nam.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 26, 2016, 07:25:00 AM
Hey Red, lighten up. Sheesh!
Most of my friends are hunter and fisher types with lots of equipment, and we have  guns also. I was a good shot at one time and Al would still be shooting if his Polio muscles would allow it. Please explain to me how "civilians'' having military style weapons makes me any safer that my 38 does. As long as I hit what I aim at, I'm just as effective as with a "big" gun.
If bigger is so much better, I guess I'd better build another garage and put a tank in it. What kind would you you recommend?
Ya know, every year our fire house holds a big gun show in our hall. I enjoy seeing all the stuff they have, but it's what some people may try to get away with in the parking lot that worries me. Some people just aren't mentally healthy enough to own guns safely.

So what if you have friends who are hunters with equipment?  What does that make you and them?  The 2nd Amendment is for keeping and bearing arms for the overthrowing of unruly governments and defense.  If you want a tank in your garage, what's wrong with that?

You're just like the early American loyalists to the King.   You think that government can do no wrong.  You believe that government ought to tell us what to do and to plan our lives.
Obviously, you believe that it's the government that gives us liberty.

Tell me that you've changed your mind and that you're really not like that.  I don't think you've changed a bit.

Diane Amberg

Bull, I also have a little itty bitty 22, and have had to treat more gunshot injuries of all kinds than I care to count. (Ambulance) I know exactly what they do.
I'm still happier with my 38. Enough knock down for me. I don't plan on shooting anyone far away. On my front porch, or as I said one other time, through the front door, is fine with me. Heck, a good shot gun loaded with salt shells would be fine with me.  ;D  I still carry my Mace and a screamer depending on where I have to go.
Remember, I used to teach for the fire service, which sometimes would take me to rough parts of Wilmington. They would put my car inside the fire station rather have me park on the street at night.
I did pick up a wise guy once years ago on the way home around 10:30 at night. He was right on my tail and started blinking his lights. Not being stupid, I drove to the nearst WPD station, pulled in the lot and laid on the horn. He left really quick. PD came out...I knew several of them, and assured me he wouldn't try anything else since his ploy to get me to stop didn't work. If he had tapped my rear, I would have done the same thing. I'm not a novice...just a little old lady with lots of experience and grit.
I think Newark police are now carrying 9MM and recently got assult rifles. Not sure what kind.
Newark just recently banned guns at any time in City Hall. There were a few complaints of course, but they lost.

Diane Amberg

Red, ya can keep tossing stupid labels on me and I won't bite .You are just trying to get a rise out of me and it won't work. I just consider the source. Your opinions have no value to me at all, since you have no interest in mine. Just more blather.

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