Partial Distribution of Wind Farm Income II

Started by W. Gray, April 20, 2016, 09:49:49 AM

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Sure the commission is empowered, however they are under the same Marxist thinking that took down the Soviets and the early Progressive Community in Chautauqua County.

Whether the  Elk Konnected NGO is still around or not, the Marxist ideology of EK certainly remains in Elk County and beyond. 

I'm thinking that Ross is on to ideology of the Obamites and Republicans. 

Rural America is becoming more socialist. 

Diane Amberg

This is off topic and has really gotten to be funny. I had put Ross on ignore some time ago, but he apparently decided he was so important that I couldn't possibly not read and hang on every word he wrote. He kept right on posting as if I was reading his posts when I wasn't...but some how I'm to blame? HA!
Not that it matters, but what is fair about that? I DID go away, and I started gettin PMs from people telling how rude he was being even though I had him on ignore and wasn't reading his posts. So that makes ME the problem? HA!
  I have since given up and did go back and read all the trash. Amazing what a waste of time. I could tell what he was saying by what others said.Very sad....and the lies he tells about me! I was never asked to leave the forum! (based on what, I can't imagine.) For some reason it was important that Ross make people believe that.
Jar, I can't imagine how much time it took to look up everything I have ever said, taken out of context of course, that could be considered less than friendly. Of course there was some, but you never wrote the other half of who or what I was responding to, or what the general tone of the conversations were at the time. 
You have been a real smart mouth too, but usually when you are teasing some one in fun. Shall I do the same to you? Can you really cast the first stone? Why is it so important that I be trampled? Shouldn't you just ignore me if I'm such a problem?
Nope, I won't go away. I was asked not to cave in.
So, now you have empowered Ross to keep right on as he has.....insulting and trying to humiliate me and several others, who have now or have had very stong ties to the Elk County area.  So be it. If you are so influential, tell Ross to back off those tired old subjects, give it the rest he was asked to do before, but would not.


Sorry Charlie. I stated how I felt and now you want me to go down in the gutter fighting with you ?? As for me spending any time looking up how you jab the folks of Elk county in the eye---trust me---it was easy. That was pretty much just what you said in one day and I saved it in "drafts ' so must of taken me a good 15 seconds. I am not sure where you thought it was only  Ross who was told to back off. Are you sure that wasn't directed at you more than it was Ross ?
It takes two to tango so I sit here wondering why I replied----guess I ant the only one who doesn't know when to just shut the hell up, already.

Diane Amberg

I am very far from trying to fight with you, but don't expect me to go sulk in a corner either.  Sorry to disappoint you, but I actually got a PM from "the top" telling me I was OK.
Are those two really such shining examples of Elk County folks? I'm not sure one of them is even a resident, but he might be. If that's the way you see it, so be it. You have very odd ''rules."
I sure was misled. The people who started the forum were nice, happy, fun loving people who did poke each other from time to time, always just in fun. Then the serious people showed up to bicker and show us all the error of our ways. I mean even this thread has caused bickering over a snip from a paper intending to share information. Is everything up for argument and disagreement?
So, I guess I'm supposed to go back to turning the other cheek again, no matter what attempt to make me feel bad is made. I can't even share some of the good things that I had and still have a part Elk County.
No, I don't feel like a victim. I feel like someone who has to occasionally say "that's enough" and fight back. Perhaps some of you would like the forum to be closed, just for  current landowner residents who pay taxes. That would sure winnow down some more. Sounds pretty silly to me.
That's it for me. I'm very dissapointed but not surprised. Go ahead, call me a wealthy east coast snob, and I'll call ya Johnny Cornpone for sure. Just teasing.


If "someone at the TOP told you, you were OK'. Then everyone else needs to get off and let you have it. Of course you can say anything you want and we are suppose to believe it.

Diane Amberg

So can anyone else, and they do. I have no quarrel with you.  Aren't you in Shawnee County? 


Quote from: Jane on April 21, 2016, 02:04:33 PM
If "someone at the TOP told you, you were OK'. Then everyone else needs to get off and let you have it. Of course you can say anything you want and we are suppose to believe it.

You are right on Jane!


You guys better quit picking on Diane !

Or you might get a PM from the top too !

Pick on Ross he's a sucker for it !

And may you all have a good evening.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 21, 2016, 03:40:21 PM
So can anyone else, and they do. I have no quarrel with you.  Aren't you in Shawnee County?
Where I live makes no difference, we own land and a house in Howard.

Diane Amberg

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