William Mack Lee . . .

Started by redcliffsw, February 16, 2016, 06:41:17 AM

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This is William Mack Lee, who started as a servant to Gen. Lee, but look at all those medals! He surely had no idea where he had been or where all those medals came from. Black Confederate? Surely NOT!!

He stayed with General Lee all throughout the war and till the day Lee died in 1870. Mack said of Gen. Lee after his death "I was raised by one of the greatest men in the world. There was never one born of a woman greater than General Robert E. Lee, according to my judgment. All of his servants were set free ten years before the war, but all remained on the plantation until after the surrender."

Gen. Lee left Mack $360 in his will, which Mack used to go to school and started 14 churches. But wait - wasn't Gen. Lee a terrible racist who fought to preserve and maintain the institution of slavery? Wake up America, you're being lied to!!


Whose side would have Lee been on if Virginia hadn't joined the confederate side?

Diane Amberg

He went to West Point, a decidedly Yankee school. He was an  intelligent, educated gentleman, who got caught up in a very sad situation at the time.
Eventually, both sides did terrible things using war as a justification. There were mean nut cases then, just as there are now. One has to visit the areas involved live to get the real flavor of what happened and when, not just read the twisted work of bloggers who are making money picking the low hanging fruit of people with questionable mental stability.
Being lied to? By whom and why? This old history isn't exactly on the daily menu of most people, who get on with their daily lives and aren't obsessed by the Civil War in an unhealthy way. IMHO!


The north made it a sad situation and it continues to this day. 

Beginning with the yankee victory over America to institute government schools to the ObamaCare of our modern times.  What's next as the north continues to dominate in the making of their socialist America?  Obama is no Southerner or Confederate - he's of the same ilk as the Republicans.

Lee understood the Constitution and the Founders.  The north wanted to defeat and change what the Founders had established.  That's the Republican party for you. 

The Confederates were right. 


Diane Amberg

You should read a lot more about this man. A lot of his "history" has been proved to be untrue. House servants were always treated better than field hands. Yes, he went with Lee...he didn't have a choice, but may have been willing, because as compared to some, he was treated quite well.
Some authors have apparently blown up W.M.'s adventures 'way beyond what really happened. People who were known not to have been where it was said they were, and more.` Cooking meals for people who weren't there to eat them, and so on.
R.E was a good man, but he could have done better by his body servant and made sure he was educated long before he died. Why wait so long? That money was left to him as history states, for his education, but he surely could have been educated much earlier. . .Read what some students of history, who have researched the movements of high ranking officers and correlated dates and places have to say.It is interesting reading regardless of how you feel.

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