Partial Distribution of Wind Farm Income

Started by W. Gray, March 30, 2016, 10:30:21 AM

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W. Gray

Quote from: ROSS on April 10, 2016, 07:34:55 PM
Why are yoyalways trying to change the subject ?
Is the subject to tough for you?

I was dood enough to repond to this silliness earlier, so the reason is an attempt to shut me up, isn't it?
Well it won't work, sorry about that, for you !

I repeat:

All I have to do is copy and paste, do you want to see it again?

Did he win?
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Quote from: W. Gray on April 10, 2016, 08:34:54 PM

Did he win?

Hey Colorado you are as bad as Delaware!
You just keep asking to see it again, well here it is:

Quote from: ROSS on April 10, 2016, 06:39:29 PM

What has that got to do with the subject of
Elk Kon nectd Kounty Kommissioners giving away taxpayer money as FREE MONEY
in a Socialistic manner ?

I added the word money in the above quote. Another boo-boo I made. I sure ain't no journalist. LOL


I'm receiving some much needed sprinkles here at my place. Maybe we will get some real rain before the night is over.



W Gray isn't answering any questions.  We know where he stands.  He asks questions that represent his liberal standing.  He's doing his part for his people. 


If you would get off the Elk Konnected issue, maybe more people would try to read your posts. Elk Konnected has not been an issue for over a year. And yes I did support them as at least they were trying to do something for county as a whole.


Quote from: proelkco on April 11, 2016, 08:10:18 AM
If you would get off the Elk Konnected issue, maybe more people would try to read your posts. Elk Konnected has not been an issue for over a year. And yes I did support them as at least they were trying to do something for county as a whole.
from others.

In my opinion you are so wrong, and off subject once again. But i will indulge you once again. LOL

Plenty of people are reading , even you, so your point is moot!

They never did anything except take money, and treat people to being members of
a Three Ring Circus disguised as Community Conversations. It's all documented begining at page one of the thread:,11780.0.html

I disagree with your opinion!
Elk Kon nected has never ceased being an issue and probably never will,
as long as they are on the School Board and The county Commissioners Board!
And that is my opinion.

Also my opinion is you are still a Follower trying to hide their activities !

And you have done this just to change the subject.
And to avoid the questions and truth of:

Quote from: ROSS on April 10, 2016, 06:39:29 PM

What has that got to do with the subject of
Elk Kon nectd Kounty Kommissioners giving away taxpayer money as FREE MONEY
in a Socialistic manner ?

And still avoiding all the other questions associated with and posted on this thread !

W. Gray

Quote from: ROSS on April 10, 2016, 09:24:26 AM
You continue to fail to answer some solid questions by deferring to your ideas of going to newspapers. Which is just a ruse.

I have made it very clear here on the forum that my only goal is to get the people of Elk County talking about issues.

Apparently that knowledge is something else you refuse to comprehend or defer from so you don't have to respond properly.

Are you a politician in Colorado?   You sure sound like one, because you keep changing the subject and avoid the answers to the questions.

Do you have a problem with the truth?

Do yo not like the truth?

Is that the purpose for all the re-directions like a politician?

Yesterday, the subject came up that Ross had, indeed, run for office. He ran for the school board and received 17 votes. But, somehow, he thought he had withdrawn from the race to support another person.

If that is not enough, I learned yesterday that sometime ago Ross did, in fact, submit a letter to the editor of the local newspaper. He lost there, also. The editor turned him down flat and refused to print what he had to say. Ross might wonder why the letter was not printed but I don't think anyone else has any illusions as to why.

Ross, since you meant for the letter to be published and read by the general population of Elk and Chautauqua counties, why not post a copy of it here so that we can all learn what you had to say?

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Quote from: W. Gray on April 11, 2016, 09:33:49 AM

If that is not enough, I learned yesterday that sometime ago Ross did, in fact, submit a letter to the editor of the local newspaper. He lost there, also. The editor turned him down flat and refused to print what he had to say. Ross might wonder why the letter was not printed but I don't think anyone else has any illusions as to why.

You are such a loser Mr. Colorado talking about what you have apparently no knowledge of!

You continue to fail just like Ms. Kon nected Delaware.

Does anyone else see the pattern, provided?

If you really want to know the truth go read the thread and learn how the Editor of the paper acknowledged being  associated with Elk Kon nected and that is why he refused to print it. His personal bias! His personal paper.

The thread is :,11780.0.html

Did you bother to learn of the letter to the editor about the lies of the school superintendent, i showed where the school was indeed receiving more state money than the year before. Did you know about the
Editors Kon nected back stab printing the Kon nected Superintendents letter just below mine.

But also I noticed who ever is feeding false information failed also. They failed to mention I have been the only person (so I've been told) to ever perform and execute the only succesful petition in Elk County. To the Chagrin of the West Elk School Board and The West Elk School Supperintendent? I stopped their sneaky attempt at hiking property taxes by 8 mill beyond the allowable 4 mill they already took last fall.

They attempted to raise the additional 8 mill by resolution in the Kon nected newspaper, not expecting anyone to read it and take action. Only I read it, I study the law and I wrote the  petition. And enough of the West Elk School District agreed with me and signed the petition helping make the proper number of voters to seal the deal. I really appreciate all the good folks that helped by signing the petition. They stopped the Konnected School Board Members in their tracks.

Things of this nature doesn't happen with out all of the good people involve.
Do ou get involved in your community politics in Colorado?
Or are you just a busy body failure in the Elk County Community Politics, you know like
Ms. Kon nected Delaware?

You still fail to answer simple questions! Why? Would you answers shame you?

Let's try again, Okay -OK!

Now that I have that out of the way back on the subject of FREE MONEY  !
Would you please respond to the following that none of you seem to have the courage to do!

Do you believe the Government should should be giving away FREE MONEY ?

How about  thousands and thousands to all the blacks in the country as repatriation because they may be descendants of slaves? Should we give them FREE MONEY ?

How about FREE MONEY in the form of benefits for illegal immigrants?

How about FREE MONEY in the form of free furnished apartments for illegal immigrants?

It's all just taxpayer dollars collected by Government to take care of their business and there is always more isn't there?

I am anxious to read your response to all of the questions in this post.
Thank You
Have a great day.

W. Gray

Quote from: ROSS on April 11, 2016, 10:32:46 AM
You are such a loser Mr. Colorado talking about what you have apparently no knowledge of!

You continue to fail just like Ms. Kon nected Delaware.

Does anyone else see the pattern, provided?

If you really want to know the truth go read the thread and learn how the Editor of the paper acknowledged being  associated with Elk Kon nected and that is why he refused to print it. His personal bias! His personal paper.

The thread is :,11780.0.html

Did you bother to learn of the letter to the editor about the lies of the school superintendent, i showed where the school was indeed receiving more state money than the year before. Did you know about the
Editors Kon nected back stab printing the Kon nected Superintendents letter just below mine.

But also I noticed who ever is feeding false information failed also. They failed to mention I have been the only person (so I've been told) to ever perform and execute the only succesful petition in Elk County. To the Chagrin of the West Elk School Board and The West Elk School Supperintendent? I stopped their sneaky attempt at hiking property taxes by 8 mill beyond the allowable 4 mill they already took last fall.

They attempted to raise the additional 8 mill by resolution in the Kon nected newspaper, not expecting anyone to read it and take action. Only I read it, I study the law and I wrote the  petition. And enough of the West Elk School District agreed with me and signed the petition helping make the proper number of voters to seal the deal. I really appreciate all the good folks that helped by signing the petition. They stopped the Konnected School Board Members in their tracks.

Things of this nature doesn't happen with out all of the good people involve.
Do ou get involved in your community politics in Colorado?
Or are you just a busy body failure in the Elk County Community Politics, you know like
Ms. Kon nected Delaware?

You still fail to answer simple questions! Why? Would you answers shame you?

Let's try again, Okay -OK!

Now that I have that out of the way back on the subject of FREE MONEY  !
Would you please respond to the following that none of you seem to have the courage to do!

Do you believe the Government should should be giving away FREE MONEY ?

How about  thousands and thousands to all the blacks in the country as repatriation because they may be descendants of slaves? Should we give them FREE MONEY ?

How about FREE MONEY in the form of benefits for illegal immigrants?

How about FREE MONEY in the form of free furnished apartments for illegal immigrants?

It's all just taxpayer dollars collected by Government to take care of their business and there is always more isn't there?

I am anxious to read your response to all of the questions in this post.
Thank You
Have a great day.

Reminds me of an individual who applied for a job and was granted an interview.

When the interviewer asked what his qualifications were, the applicant handed him a file folder an inch or so thick overstuffed with various items, leaned back in his chair, and told the interviewer that he could "read all about me in here."

Needless to say the applicant did not get the job.

You suggested that you had posted "how the Editor of the paper acknowledged being associated with Elk Konnected and that is why he refused to print it."

Why don't you pull that information from the flotsam and jetsam in your posts and repost it on this forum for all to see?

While you are at it, post a copy of the rejected letter you sent to the editor so we can all read it.

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Quote from: W. Gray on April 11, 2016, 01:07:11 PM

Reminds me of an individual who applied for a job and was granted an interview.

When the interviewer asked what his qualifications were, the applicant handed him a file folder an inch or so thick overstuffed with various items, leaned back in his chair, and told the interviewer that he could "read all about me in here."

Needless to say the applicant did not get the job.

You suggested that you had posted "how the Editor of the paper acknowledged being associated with Elk Konnected and that is why he refused to print it."

Why don't you pull that information from the flotsam and jetsam in your posts and repost it on this forum for all to see?

While you are at it, post a copy of the rejected letter you sent to the editor so we can all read it.

Why don't you use you third grade education and go read it?
And try to train that third education on the subject of the thread?
Or is the air to thin in Colorado to focus?
Try real hard to tell us what you really think !

The Devil made me say that, LOL !

Is SOCIALISM really what you believe in ?
Because I see no objection to SOCIALISM from you !
Try to answer the following honestly? Just try!

Quote from: ROSS on April 11, 2016, 10:32:46 AM
the subject of FREE MONEY  !
Would you please respond to the following that none of you seem to have the courage to do!

Do you believe the Government should should be giving away FREE MONEY ?

How about  thousands and thousands to all the blacks in the country as repatriation because they may be descendants of slaves? Should we give them FREE MONEY ?

How about FREE MONEY in the form of benefits for illegal immigrants?

How about FREE MONEY in the form of free furnished apartments for illegal immigrants?

It's all just taxpayer dollars collected by Government to take care of their business and there is always more isn't there?

I am anxious to read your response to all of the questions in this post.
Thank You
Have a great day.

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