Partial Distribution of Wind Farm Income

Started by W. Gray, March 30, 2016, 10:30:21 AM

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I hate Politics, so I will just leave you with this for discussion, and cat scratching!

ready not discuss politics or religion, but I might sex, if Teresa and Kjel would approve???   and Rock and Roll is definetly out!

W. Gray

Quote from: ROSS on April 03, 2016, 04:03:45 PM

The Truth !

Do you mean you are saying that the truth shall set you free?

It is the truth that the Elk County commissioners approved a $100,000 distribution of funds to the incorporated cities, right?

And, it is true the commissioners as a body approved the distribution, right?

The distribution is to be made on the basis of the population of each city as of the 2010 census, right?

That would have Howard receiving approximately $39,734; Moline, $21,458; Longton, $20,127; Grenola, $12,493, and Elk Falls, $6,189.

The city fathers of each city will make the determination of what to do with the money.

But, in the meantime, I was thinking some of that money earmarked for Howard could go to something that I think even you would agree would really be worthwhile.

I don't know the status of the fund drive for the rehab of the Howard pool, but that would be one good place to make a wise investment for all the wee little Elk Countians coming up behind all of us.

Don't you agree?

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Yes, I agree.  It would help keep our kids off the roads seeking entertainment.  Especially the ones that are still too young to be driving, but need a place to socialize.



Quote from: W. Gray on April 05, 2016, 01:38:01 PM
Do you mean you are saying that the truth shall set you free?

Not hardly! Not the way the truth as distorted by liberals.

Quote from: W. Gray on April 05, 2016, 01:38:01 PM
It is the truth that the Elk County commissioners approved a $100,000 distribution of funds to the incorporated cities, right?

It is true that two Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners voted Socialist.
And one Elk County Commissioner voted against this Socialist move.

Quote from: W. Gray on April 05, 2016, 01:38:01 PM
And, it is true the commissioners as a body approved the distribution, right?

No !  Only the two Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners voted to approve this Socialist move.
One Elk County Commissioner voted against the Socialist move.
Their Socialist  resolution only listed Howard and was not approved !

Quote from: W. Gray on April 05, 2016, 01:38:01 PM
The distribution is to be made on the basis of the population of each city as of the 2010 census, right?

Where is the fairness in that? The populations have changed dramatically for Howard.
But not so much for the other communities. Isn't that weighted for Howard, and cheats the others?

I mean if they want to be Socialists? Couldn't they be fair Socialists? Couldn't they use today's population count? (See list and references below.)

Howard's populatiom has dropped from 684 to 633 population. A decrease of 54 people

Moline has dropped from 369 to 340 population. A decrease of 29 people.

Longton's population has dropped from 347 to 318 population. A decrease of 29 people.

Grenoals's population has dropped from 215 to 197 population. A decrease pf 18 people.

Elk Falls population has dropped from 107 to 99 population. A decrease of 8 people.

Quote from: W. Gray on April 05, 2016, 01:38:01 PM
That would have Howard receiving approximately $39,734; Moline, $21,458; Longton, $20,127; Grenola, $12,493, and Elk Falls, $6,189.

The city fathers of each city will make the determination of what to do with the money.

Of course they would. But they were not capable of taking care of their own business and budget for maintenance and repairs or urgent problems were they?

So, they depend on Welfare at the cost of the property owner taxpayers like good little Socialists, right?

Quote from: W. Gray on April 05, 2016, 01:38:01 PM
But, in the meantime, I was thinking some of that money earmarked for Howard could go to something that I think even you would agree would really be worthwhile.

I don't know the status of the fund drive for the rehab of the Howard pool, but that would be one good place to make a wise investment for all the wee little Elk Countians coming up behind all of us.
Don't you agree?

Of course I agree. That was probably the motivation for the whole Socialist plan to fix Howards Swimming Pool.

After all they let it be known they let it be known they thought everyone in the county was responsible for their Swimming pool.

But they are totally wrong it is not everyone's responsibility!

Another thing wrong is the Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners referring to  Elk County coffers as Wind Farm Money! The Kon nected Kounty Kommissioners only do that to muddy the truth.

When W. Gray pays her property tax and it is entered into the County Coffers the money is no longer refereed to as W. Grays Money is it?

If the County doesn't feel it is important to save money and invest it. for the possible hard times that             Kon nected Kounty Kommissioner Kaminski pointed out at the County Commissioners meeting they should return the money to the taxpayers instead of giving it away.

Then the communities could raise their property taxes to meet their own needs. That is why they have City Councils? Why City Councils? To manage the communities business and expenses.

After all that is exactly what West Elk has been doing! The county gives us a tax break and West Elk takes it away by raising our property tax, taking the tax break away from us.

Why isn't that good enough for the Communities rather than County Welfare?

The people choose to live in their respective community and are responsible for the money (taxes) to pay for their community responsibilities.

And the argument that the communities pay county property taxes too !
Is ridiculous, because they pay the county for the very same services I pay for and therefore do not require the extra benefits of Social Welfare.

Your whole point is that you favor Socialism instead of saving for County Government needs or returning the money to the taxpayer.

Read the thread,11780.0.html and refresh your self on the purpose of Elk Kon nected. Re-read the ridiculous list they provided to two Konnected Kounty Kommissioners. Maybe you will learn something new.

Here is a reminder about Socialism thanks to an earlier poster.

Now you know the whole truth.

W. Gray

There may be hope for you yet. The "current" population figures you provided work out to provide the exact same percentage ratio as for the 2010 population ratio. Each city would be getting the same amount of money under either population grouping.

The only difference between the 2010 population figures and the figures you gave is that the 2010 figures are official data whereas your figures are estimated guesses at the most.

You said "Of course I agree" with Howard possibly using some of the money for the pool. You are getting there.

Maybe you could show some added tenderness by taking two or three twenties out of your pocket and commute those Jackson's over to Howard and donate to the pool fund as well. It would be greatly appreciated. The Howard pool would come out ahead and you might too. It might make you feel better about yourself.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


W Gray, why don't you move to Elk County?  Being a citizen, you could contribute more directly to the socialization.  Of course, Ross and traditional conservatives won't go along with socialist causes like government 'investment' in Howard's pool.

Or you can remain in Colorado.


Colorado  Ha,ha, ha ! :D :D

I having wasting my time on what they call around here an outsider.
They call me an outsider even though I live here, pay taxes here an vote here!
But, Colorado you are a real outsider. LOL
Don't take it too hard?

W. Gray

Now, I think it has been mentioned on the forum a total of thirty-three times as to where I live.

But, me not living in Elk County should not prevent you from doing your math correctly.

Or, keep you from saying that you do not like socialism.

Or, even keep you from donating a little to the Howard pool. You might even want to take your grandkids for an outing at the pool someday.

What was it that told you to move to Elk County in the first place? What inspired you?
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Mr. Gray is not an outsider.  He has had extensive ties to Elk County.  The fact that he does not live here does not make him an uninterested party.  The same can be said of Diane.  Her people and I believe that at least one of her near relatives still own Elk County property.  A great deal more property than most of us self proclaimed Elk Countians own.

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