Sheriff Election

Started by Mcordell, March 27, 2016, 02:43:31 PM

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If someone actually writes a bad check or breaks a minor law so-to-speak does someone other than the
arresting can that officer file his personal charges or is it required of the person of whom the crime was perpetrated?

We actually had an un-requested credit card come up missing in the mail. I received a bill for the card.
I reported it to the issuer and police. The police were summoned to the store where a lady was caught using the
card. The card was confiscated and the woman released! Why let the woman walk away with out arresting her?

Who would have been responsible for filing charges? Me? The cashier? The store owner? The card issuer?

thankfully the issuer erased previous chargers and removed the card fom the digital system.


Good question. The victim is never the one to "file charges" and law enforcement can file a report requesting charges of place someone under arrest for the commission of a crime even without a cooperating victim. In some cases this is common, such as domestic battery. In other cases the officer will often take into account whether or not there is a cooperating victim.

In your example, there are several crimes and several victims. You would be the victim of identity theft which specifically lists the use of a financial card or the numbers. The store is the victim of theft, and the bank is the victim of criminal use of a financial card. Because you have no monetary loss, you would not be the victim of that crime.

In this case, there are felony charges and as such the suspect should be taken into custody. In the case of misdemeanors, law enforcement is limited on when they may or may not make a custodial arrest. Not everyone who commits a crime can be taken into physical custody immediately.


Quote from: enoughisenough on October 06, 2016, 11:25:56 AM
  and I have read enough of john walkers writing to say i'm pretty sure jojo is actually john walker.  if not then they write a lot like each other.  I'm tired of seeing good people come and go from elk county because they cant work with doug and john.

I can assure you I am NOT John Walker. Doug and John are good people and has always treated me with respect and with professionalism. Nobody is perfect and we ALL make mistakes nor is everyone good just saying.


o I'm sorry then.  you write a lot like him.  no nobody is prefect and not everyone is good but there were some good ones that came and went and told me it was because of them two.  I no what kind of work place they have and its not good.  like I said I like them both but I do think its time to dos omething different and i think that's what we are getting.  i didn't mean to acuse you of anything you just sound like him is all.  I'm real sad to see the one leaving for greenwood county.  he was always so nice to people


I'll never claim to be perfect, nor will I promise not to make mistakes. All I can promise is that I will always do my job to the very best of my abilities and with the utmost professionalism. I can also promise I will expect nothing less from the deputies and will ensure the agency is staffed with qualified professionals who meet only the highest of standards.

I have never said either Doug or John is a terrible person. I have said I don't believe they behave professionally and I base that not only on my own personal observations but also on the accounts of others who have had dealings with them. It's is not my intention to sling mud and I am not trying to impune their character, but as a candidate for office it is my duty to bring to the public's attention the ways in which I believe I can improve the agency.

I appreciate the civil discussion and as I have said, we don't have to agree on everything. I certainly would appreciate everyone's vote on November 8th but I understand some of you will vote for my opponent and that won't affect the way I do my job going forward. Everyone gets one vote and it's your right to cast it as you see fit. For those that are voting for me, I am humbled by your support and faith and I will do the very best I can to provide you with an agency you can be proud of.


I have dealt with both the sheriff and the under-sheriff over the last several years and have never
had a bad experience with either one of them.

I also spoke recently with deputy who said he has no problem with working for our Sheriff Dept.

I can understand a citizen having a personality conflict with a LEO.
But I do not see that as a reason to diss the whole department.

As far as equipment, do we really need a department decked out like NY or even like
Coffeyville with an armored vehicle?

Would we need more deputies for a shrinking population ?

Do we really want higher property taxes for things, that are not necessary in the country?

I am not addressing these remarks to you Cordell,= but to every one else.


While not specifically addressed at me, I'd like to respond to a few things.

I agree we most definitely don't need to have an agency with the equipment you find in larger agencies like NYPD. I would never call for such things. We most certainly don't need an armored vehicle as the use of such a tool is so few and far between that maintenance on a vehicle that sat unused for its entire existence would be cost prohibitive and unreasonable.

I certainly do not want to see property taxes raised and it wouldn't be necessary to do so for more equipment for the sheriff's office. There is a budget in place and I would like to work within the framework of the alotted budget.

I haven't seen or heard of anyone asking for those things so you can rest easy.

The issues of professionalism that have been brought to my attention by members of the community were not people who were upset they got a ticket or got in trouble. In several cases they were the victim or parents of a victim that had these issues. While personality conflicts do arise, one also has to look at the fact that if someone is having personality conflicts with that large a number of people, perhaps they are the reason. The same applies to the administration of the sheriff's office. 

In regards to the deputy you spoke with, it's possible they truly don't have an issue working there and that's great. It's also entirely possible they are unwilling to discuss the internal problems with the sheriff's office with the general public. That's also a good thing.


Just a reminder for everyone to come to the candidate forum/meet & greet in Grenola tomorrow 10/11 at 6 pm at the Grenola senior center.  I'm looking forward to speaking with those that are able to attend and hope to answer your questions and concerns.

All 4 candidates have been invited to attend. This should be a worthwhile event to attend.


I'd like to be there but, my wife is preparing to under go surgery the next morning.
So, I will remain home with her.
I hope everyone has a great evening.


I hope she has a speedy recovery.

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