Sheriff Election

Started by Mcordell, March 27, 2016, 02:43:31 PM

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You like that don't you?  Government employee covering for the empire.  You're career minded - you're a law enforcement type, not a sheriff - at least not in the sense of what a sheriff used to be.

That's how I'm seeing you.


Ok. Thank you for your input red.


Mr. Cordell, after reading 18 pages on the forum, which by the way is not a read I would recommend to someone who is thinking of settling in Elk County. We all have busy schedules and I'm not special, but am finally going to take the time. I too once had political aspiration, motivated by some of the same people who you would say, have your back.  I worked for your opponent as well for four years, so you might say I have insight. I just give thanks to God for teaching me humility, before I made a complete fool of myself. I have not had the opportunity to speak to you, I have made myself available, but you always seem to be looking the other way, or maybe even up, so I still have it to look forward too. A veteran before attending KLTC, prevented me from falling for their mind games, so I did not return with my head swollen as do so many of our young LEOs. Something I think you should consider, as you go forth in this election. Sheriff Hanks and I butted heads on occasion, but at no time was my employment with him under any jeopardy because we disagreed. We are different people and we approached issues from different angles, but at no time was I ever thrown under the proverbial bus. I respected the fact he was the boss, and he respected the fact I was just as bull headed as him. I left the Sheriff's Department, because of an illness which the Doctors said was going to end my life. The Sheriff remained a great supporter of me through these times, even though I would have run for his position if my health would have allowed. He is and has been a true friend, to me and the citizens of Elk County. I should not tell you of the times I seen him fight to repress tears when working a fatality accident involving a citizen we knew, or not being able to hold those same tears back at scene of an infant's fatality which we will never get to know.  I could tell you of the endless hours, and the toll on his body, which he will never toot his own horn about, but would it do any good. You have drawn a conclusion about the Sheriff from what some of your supporters have told you.  Your experience in law Enforcement should have taught you in your line of work there will always be a disgruntled side. Thanks for taking the time to read this.... Joe Love


I have drawn no conclusions based on any third hand information. I have drawn conclusions largely on my own observations and on first hand information, partly from employees of the sheriff's office. I respect your right to your opinion and I'm sure we will not agree on many things pertaining to the changes that need to be made but I see problems that should not exist in regards to a lack of professionalism, a lack of preparedness, and a failure to provide an environment and the tools necessary for members of that agency to be successful. These are my own observations and not information being fed to me.

Your opinion and perspective are colored by your experiences there and with members of that agency. Sometimes it's not a bad thing to bring in someone with a new perspective and new ideas.

As for you making yourself available to me, you have never reached out to me. I have sent post cards to every registered voter on the list with my phone number, email address, and Facebook page. I have handed out countless business cards bearing the same information. I have gone door to door to over half the residences in this county and handed out personal contact information. When people aren't home, I leave a printed door tag with information about myself, including the aforementioned contact information. Many people have reached out to me through these various mediums. You have not.  I have not contacted you while you are working because that would not be an appropriate time to do so.

I'd be happy to visit with you if you so desire and I have made myself very available to you throughout my campaign. If you wish to reach out, feel free. I will address your concerns.

Thank you.


     In the 18 pages of this thread, leading up to where we are now, there has been considerable negativity regarding the personal nature of the Sheriff. I am not saying all is peaches and cream at the Sheriff's Office, with all of the social unrest going on in this nation, and the fact Law Enforcement Agencies are at the mercy of the public, there is not an agency anywhere in this country that can boast perfection. I know for certain after being in two separate theaters of combat, people react as per their training when hell is raining down on you. In short I am not saying you are wrong about anything you want to do, you are just wrong about the character of Sheriff Hanks.
     In regards to the other part of your reply, I am not a liar, I tried to talk to you at the Moline Caucus, I asked you how you were doing and you turned and walked the other way. Just with in the last couple of weeks you were doing the door to door thing in Moline, I was going to work an auction there, your white vehicle was parked on the street and you were at the door of a house, I stopped in the street near your vehicle and waited, you walked from the house you were at and turned to go on to the next house over, so I drove on. I have been a registered republican in this county the whole of my adult life, and I have received nothing from you in the mail. Last I am not the one who is running for an office, so I don't need to reach out to anyone. You have answered my questions; I appreciate your response and wish you good luck.



Sir I have never walked away from anyone that started a conversation with me. If I didn't respond to you it's because I didn't hear you. As for stopping near my vehicle while I'm going door to door, I don't drive door to door, I walk. I wouldn't have been coming back to my vehicle so my apologies if you felt slighted. That's certainly not my intention. I'm somewhat confused however because I when I went door to door in moline I walked from home and didn't have my vehicle parked anywhere. Also, the weekend of the auction a couple weeks ago I was in Chicago. I have only gone door to door in moline twice so far and both times I was walking with my wife. I'm certainly not calling you a liar but it seems there's some misunderstanding somewhere.

Again if you'd like to speak with me feel free to reach out. I understand you feel it's my responsibility to contact the voters and not the other way around which is exactly why I have gone over 100 miles door to door in this county. I'm making an effort to speak with as many people as possible. If I haven't made it to you yet I apologize. In regards to the post cards, I sent one to every address on the list of registered voters provided to me by the clerks office. I'd be happy to give you one


Ive been reading this forum and watching the elction for a while now and I didn't say anything because I know Doug and John and I don't want them to take it out on me but I have to say something now.  I have worked with both of them and my opnion of mr cordell wasn't very high when this started because of all the bad things john and doug said about him and what he would do.  I never met him but I seen him around and he has always been nice to me and smiled and said hi even though I don't know him.  I did meet him one time when he came to my door going door to door and I was able to ask him some questions and he had good answers to every question I had and didn't talk bad to me one bit even after I told him I was planning to vote for doug.  I have read every one of these posts and it doesn't seem fare that everytime someone says something bad about him mr cordell cant say anything without people making it a bad thing.  I can tell you that everything he has said is true.  doug is not professional and I have heard him cussing at people when they come into talk to him and that's not right for the sheriff to do.  I like doug and I don't think hes a bad person but after talking to mr cordell and asking my questions I think its time for a change.  my family and me will be voting for him and I just pray to god that he wins and can change things like he says he will.  like I said I wasn't gong to say anything because I don't want them to take it out on me but its hard to let joe talk bad about mr cordell and make him look bad when I have herad him and people at the sheriff department talking bad about mr cordell.  joe used to have coffee at the department with them and talk about stuff it seems like a setup for him to post this now.  and I have read enough of john walkers writing to say i'm pretty sure jojo is actually john walker.  if not then they write a lot like each other.  I'm tired of seeing good people come and go from elk county because they cant work with doug and john.


and joe you said he is running and should do all the work of talking to you but he came to my house and he went to a lot of other houses I know to talk to people.  doug said he was going to run one more time but he hasn't talked to anyone or done anything and a lot of people are saying he doesn't want it cause hes not trying.  everyone I know that has his signs were put up by john not doug and he hasn't gone to any of the events or anything to talk to people.  maybe its time for him to retire and let someone take over that wants the job and is working for it


        I am glad to see that this thread is at least, temporarily, back to the topic for which it was started.

       There are , unfortunately, some who can't seem to do so. It seems they can only spew forth their own agenda, yes agenda, for they go far beyond simply giving an opinion, as they say they are doing. They come across, to me, as sad, lonely and hateful, with far too much free time on their hands. My opinion.

      I have not met Mr Cordell, but He comes across as an intelligent man who cares about what he is doing and intends to do if elected. I have great respect for our current officers as well.

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