Sheriff Election

Started by Mcordell, March 27, 2016, 02:43:31 PM

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Thank you for your input Ross.


It's my observation and mine only that Sheriff's Hanks is taken care of business doing and performing what the voters have elected him to office to do. I listen to Deputy and the Sheriff on the scanner and see Deputy's out patrolling all hours days and nights. I have always been treated with professionalism and respect from Sheriff Hanks and any of the Deputy's.  I have not seen anything on social media posted by Sheriff's Hanks one way or the other. I do not know if Sheriff Hanks may just not choose to participate in rumors and accusations that end up on social media. "WE ALL NO IF IT IS ON SOCIAL MEDIA IT HAS TO BE TRUE RIGHT" I know the social media is a tool "right" great place to get information out to everyone if it was only that easy it would be a great tool. Just saying if you do not know the answer go to the source and just ask speculating and making accusation on social media is bulling. I have to wonder if you Mr. Cordell is elected Sheriff if you are going to continue with bashing and bulling of people that does not share your views on social media. Are you going to be this way if you are elected as Sheriff when someone does not agree with you or have the same views as you do when you're on duty? My understanding is a Sheriff is on duty all the time so I have to ask myself do I really want a Sheriff that wants to argue and post his or her laundry on social media when he does not share the same views as you. I have also noted in a lots of your post that you keep bring Deputy's into your discussions even posting their names witch I thank is very unprofessionalism. I did not realize that they were also candidates for the Sheriff position or that it mattered who they were friends with. I thank everyone understand politicians and the media who throw accusations and rumors out hopping to influence voters for a vote. I thank the voters that have any questions they would like to ask should be asking the candidates face to face. I can tell more about the person I am talking to by watching them. In a small community I would a lot rather talk with that candidate and asked my questions face to face and not have it asked by some moderator that is not going to ask the exact question that a person give them. I may have a question after the response from the candidate that I may need some clarification or a follow up question. I do encourage everyone to get out and vote best of luck to all candidates and I pray for all men and woman in Law Enforcement to always make it home.


When have I posted about the deputies or posted their names?

I'm unclear what you are referring to and I'd love to address what you are saying but you'll have to point me to what post you are talking about. I don't post about the deputies and I don't post their names.

Are you referring to when I mentioned John Walker? I don't believe mentioning his name in reference to a friendship is unprofessional. That being said, you said in a lot of my posts I bring up the deputies and mention their names so please clarify what post you are referring to so I can discuss that with you. I'm certainly happy to do so.



Quote from: Mcordell on September 29, 2016, 06:24:47 AM

For someone who espouses a strong desire for individual liberties you have an ironic tendency to tell other people what they should or shouldn't be doing.

You're trying to say that I am for tyranny while you're on the political side of the government for you to have the local government school sponsor the debate.  Nothing fair about government sponsored debates. 

Don't know you or Hanks.  Perhaps Hanks is smart enough to stay away from such a circus.  Hope others are too.


I don't believe that a class in government taught in a school setting is the same thing as "Government".  It is perfectly reasonable for a teacher of a government class to want his students to participate in a part of the election process.  There is more than just going to the polls and marking a ballot.  Grade schoolers hold mock elections while high schoolers are old enough to learn about how the candidates get elected.  Sponsoring a forum for a couple of candidates seems like a good way to involve the high school crowd and after all, some of them are old enough to vote.  Besides, a public forum held during daylight hours when older folks are more comfortable in being out, might be just the thing to reach some of the more timid voters.


Thank you Wilma. I was just trying to notify people that there was a possibility of a debate. I had been asked by a few people if there would be and when I was informed of the possibility I figured people may like to know. It hadn't occurred to me that simply notifying people of the possibility would set off such a firestorm.

I have tried to keep people updated on the campaign through this thread to keep people involved. I've also tried to answer questions for people as they ask them. Many of you have asked your questions and allowed me to answer. It seems to be the minority that turn everything I say into an argument or twist it into me somehow being a communist or a tyrant. And of course there are the few who created an account and posted only to try to tear me down as a candidate. It's fairly easy to spot when someone has only posted on this entire forum once or twice every post was negatively directed at me.

I understand politics has a tendency to bring out strong opinions. What I will tell you is that in all my time in law enforcement, I have never had a citizen complaint that I was unprofessional. I have always treated people with respect and have done my job to the best of my abilities. Regardless of our differences in opinion on this forum, if anyone calls me for assistance you can expect to be treated with dignity and respect and to have your concerns handled in a professional manner.

I've been a member of several forums online. In addition to this one I have been on forums as an FAA Senior Rigger discussing parachute rigging issues and on several forums for various technical discussions. One thing all forums have in common is that they seem to bring out the worst in people. I don't know if it's the impersonal nature of an Internet forum or if it's the anonymity some choose to hide behind that makes it easier for people to impune one another's character. For this reason I have avoided the use of forums other than this one. I felt the need to continue using this forum to spread information to those who otherwise would not get it.

I will continue to use this forum for that purpose and will continue to answer questions publicly so that others may benefit from one another's questions. I do not plan to debate issues here anymore. I respect each of your rights to your opinions and am happy to discuss and debate issues through private message, email, or phone call, but not on here. It is unproductive.

I have been asked repeatedly by members of the public why I have continued to debate with people who seemingly only want to use what I say against me and who will never be satisfied with an answer on these forums. I have answered each time that I would rather debate and discuss than have someone believe that I simply refuse to address their concern. To that end please understand I am always willing to discuss issues with anyone who would like, but I won't allow those discussions to be used as a public spectacle.   This is no different than if I win the election. I will happily answer anyone's questions and discuss their concerns but those discussions won't be had in a public venue.

I do thank everyone for the support I have received and I would appreciate your continued support in this election.


Also, I will be in Grenola in the morning for the parade.  Unfortunately I will not be able to stay throughout the day as Longton scheduled their fall festival for the same day and I have been asked to be there in the afternoon to speak with people.  I will be staged in Longton and will have materials to hand out for those who are interested in meeting with me.

Thank you all and have a great day.


Quote from: W. Gray on September 29, 2016, 04:37:51 PM
Wilma, you are correct. He is blubbering senseless all over the place. I wonder why he is talking about Omar?
Are there any night schools in the area this guy could take advantage of?

Apparently you ladies lack any respect for other peoples post that don't mirror you narrow thinking.
And therefore resort to the tired old high school method of bullying, it show lack of intelligence on your part.

It was that type of narrow mindedness that gave us Obama.

It was that narrow mindedness that bought Obama's "Rainbow Stew".

So keep up the good work.

My best wishes for both of you ladies and a very pleasant evening.


Hi Ross,

Driving an ATV on state and federal highways is a traffic infraction and not a misdemeanor. It should be noted that it is not unlawful to operate an ATV on city and county roads here which is where I have seen such vehicles being operated. I have never seen anyone operating an ATV along the highways outside city limits. I was asked if I would stop people from operating their ATVs on the roadways and I answered that I would not. If someone is operating an ATV on the highway outside city limits I will speak with them and determine a legal and safe route for them to drive that does not require them to drive on the highway.

Writing bad checks intentionally is theft and is a crime of moral turpitude. I understand we disagree on this issue but I will not allow a deputy to work for the sheriff's office while committing crimes, especially crimes of moral turpitude as those issues can be used to exclude the deputy's testimony as a witness, thereby nullifying their cases.

It is also noteworthy that citizens are routinely charged with writing bad checks in this county and by this sheriff's office. I will not allow deputies and citizens to be held to different standards. Allowing a deputy to commit a crime because they are having financial troubles while simultaneously charging citizens with a crime in the same circumstances would be the definition of corruption. I will not allow corruption in any agency I run.

Thank you for the opportunity to provide clarification

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