Sheriff Election

Started by Mcordell, March 27, 2016, 02:43:31 PM

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Hello all,

I wanted to take a minute to introduce myself.  My name is Mike Cordell and I have filed to run for Elk County Sheriff on the republican ticket.  I'm sure you have seen some of my signs in the area and I look forward to speaking with you at local events and eventually as I go door to door meeting people.  I don't peruse these forums on a regular basis, however I would be happy to answer any questions you have for me.  I have a campaign page set up on facebook at where I post updates and information regarding my campaign.  You can message me there any time. 

I believe there needs to be some significant change within the Sheriff's Office in this county and I believe I have the experience and knowledge to institute those changes.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions and I would love to have your support at the polls in August and November!

Mike Cordell


There are some of us who get news from the forum, so it would be helpful if you would list your qualifications here.

Thanks.  :)


Please do add your resume' to this.  It is the easiest way for me to learn about you.


If you click on his www. site it will give you a lot of information.


I started in law enforcement in Oklahoma in early 2004 so I have just over 12 years of law enforcement experience. While in Oklahoma I was afforded many opportunities early in my career, including the opportunity to work with the district's drug task force. As an officer in Oklahoma I received the "Officer of the Year" award after implementing life saving procedures on a young man I found unresponsive in his room on a welfare check as well as an award from the State of Oklahoma for occupant protection for my efforts in DUI enforcement.

I came to Kansas in 2006 as an officer where I have been certified in Kansas ever since. I was ranked number one in the Kansas reciprocity academy class I attended. I served on my department's tactical team and was promoted to Detective in a short time. I worked at a couple agencies in the Wichita area prior to moving east to Moline and I have worked for the Wilson County Sheriff's Office as a patrol Deputy for 3 years.

During my 12 years in law enforcement I have become an instructor in several disciplines. I have been a guest instructor at the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center for new officers as well having taught various courses at other agencies for continuing education as required by statute.

Prior to law enforcement I served in the United States Army infantry with an honorable discharge. I have dedicated my life to service to my country and my community and it is my greatest hope that the voters of Elk County will allow me the opportunity to continue serving in the community my family calls home and where my wife and I have chosen to raise our children.


Thank you.  You have told me most of what I wanted to know.  The rest is personal and not appropriate for campaign purposes.  Good luck.


Agreeing with Wilma - thank you!


What's are your stand regarding the U S Flag on Sheriiff's vehicles and shirts?

Or will you go with the Kansas State Flag or neither?


To be honest I have no opinion one way or the other regarding the display of the American flag on police or sheriff uniforms or vehicles. It is my understanding that there is a small segment of the population that opposes such displays on the grounds that such displays are an indication of a police state or of the federalization of local law enforcement. I think this is a case of finding symbolism where there is none. I'm proud of my country and of the flag that represents the freedoms upon which this country is built. I swore to uphold the constitution of the United States and of Kansas both. 

We are all protected by those rights guaranteed to us by the Constitution of the United States and law enforcement is bound by the rules of law imposed by such. For this reason I find it contradictory to embrace the rights granted under federal law while simultaneously opposing the wearing of a national symbol by local law enforcement.

That being said, I have no intention to display the American flag on the uniforms of the deputies, not because of the inherent symbolism of the flag, but rather because I see no need for unnecessary patches added to the uniform.  The same goes for the patrol vehicles. Each added patch or decal is an additional point of wear that needs to be maintained or replaced when damaged in order to maintain a professional appearance. 

I hope that answers the question you were asking.  If not, feel free to clarify and I'd be happy to re-address the issue.


Sir, your answer better than many including incumbent Sheriffs who think that it makes no difference which flag is shown.

Our liberty is from God, not the Federqal Government.  The Constitution is to limit the Federals.  I think many of us view the Federals as our God.  Shall we be obediant to the Fed's or patriotic to America?

Thank you for answering my question.


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