BOICOURT, Mary Ann - b. 1804 - d. 1910

Started by ddurbin, February 04, 2007, 09:21:08 AM

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(from the Moline newspaper 1910)

Mary Ann Boicourt Dead

Mrs. Mary Ann Boicourt passed frm this life last Friday at the advanced age of nearly 106 years.  She has lived at the home of her daughter Mrs. Caleb Carver near this city for the past thirteen years.

She was born in Harrison county Virginia in 1804 and lived in Indiana. Kansas.  She was married in 1828 to Thomas Boicourt and was the mother of six sons and two daughters.  Her husband died in 1854, one daughter and two sons survive her.  Three of her sons served in the Union Army in the Civil War.  Two of her sons were in the Methodist ministry in which faith their mother had lived from early life.

Mrs. Boicourt retained her physical and recental vigor until the close of her remarkably long life.  She pieced many quilts after her 100th birthday.

She could remember many incidences of her early life was one of rich and varied experiences.  She was deeply religious in spirit and faithful to her belief.

The funeral was held at the Methodist Church Sunday afternoon conducted by Rev A. Cullison and the body was laid to rest in the Moline cemetery.

Such a remarkable life should have a larger recognition in the columns than can be suitably given this week.  Next week the story of her life will be given in greater detail and a cut will be used in illustration.

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