Patriotism Isn’t Love of Government . . .

Started by redcliffsw, February 17, 2016, 06:07:04 AM

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"Don't trust your family. Don't trust men. Trust government!"

And, as Madeline Albright delicately added last week, "... or you'll go to Hell!"

Mrs. Gore, known as "Tipper," lost her trust in Al,  and Americans have lost their trust in government (she could get a divorce. We can't).

But the cause of paternalism was not a partisan one. In fact, the more fundamental lie, the "noble lie" so so cherished by the neocons, was framed by George W. Bush's hubristic, messianic claim (in an address to a joint session of Congress, no less):"If you're not with us, you're against us."

The lie still lives. After she lost the New Hampshire primary, Hillary Clinton alleged that an attack on her was an attack on democracy itself.

Yes, having been robbed of their common  fatherland, fatherhood, and Founding Fathers, Americans  have been handed a counterfeit substitute: patriotism means "love of government." Hate the government and you are going to Hell (Albright) or you are a traitor (Bush).

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