The Warmongers’ Brawl——

Started by redcliffsw, January 19, 2016, 07:37:59 AM

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The Warmongers' Brawl——How The GOP Is Deserting Free Markets, Sound Money And Fiscal Rectitude
At the heart of the contemporary Warfare State's mission creep is the misbegotten notion of American exceptionalism and the premise that the world would descend into disorder and war without US "leadership" and "strength". In fact, that's mainly what the GOP's jingoistic attack pack talked about ad nauseum Thursday evening when they should have been pounding and pounding on the economic disaster minted by Washington and the Fed at home.

Will any GOP administration that needs to allocate massive new resources to the bloated $600 billion defense budget we already have in order to carry out their strenuous interventionist objectives abroad be able to repeal Obamacare, balance the budget, reform and curtail the big entitlements or bring the Fed to heel?

Not in this lifetime. Ronald Reagan already proved that much.
-David Stockman

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