Stock Market

Started by frawin, January 18, 2016, 06:31:39 AM

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Are there any Stock Market Gurus on the Forum. I have been reading and hearing a lot about the Energy Stocks and the Petroleum Market in General. I would be really interested in any information on this, that anyone would share. I know that the Oil Market is Saturated and it will be along time before it improves. One article we saw on Facebook claimed that a new Fuel Source would totally replace our Energy need is the Future. Waldo, you are always up on every thing, have you seen anything on this.

W. Gray

I have seen references to it in Yahoo but did not pay that much attention.

I got the opinion that it is something like the garbage fuel that powered the Delorean in the Back to the Future movies.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


I know a fellow who bot some Sandridge stock.  He lost 20,000.  He's not a guru but he wishes that he'd never bought it.

Same with government investments in Wind Energy and Ethanol.  If the Fed's would go by the Constitution, instead of using force and mandates in America and upon Americans, we'd be better off without the tyrants whose names begin with the letter O and political parties that begin with the letters R and D.  Even if R and D stands for Research and Development, it's certainly no place for the government, government favortism and government "business".

Just my thoughts on the markets - free markets that is.

Diane Amberg

 GRRR! ::) Isn't this supposed to be a coffee shop thread? I was about to make some stock market comments but I can see now that it won't be possible. Sorry Frank.


Diane, go ahead it will not bother me. I would love to hear anything you or anybody has to say about the Stock Market. I hollow it pretty closely, and I follow the Oil Stocks more than anything else as I spent my whole Career in the Oil and Gad Industry. In fact I still have my own Marketing Company, called PetroMark Services.


Frank, I can see why you would be very interested in the Stock Market.  I very wisely did not invest any of my non-existent funds in the stock market, so I can watch it go up and down without any qualms.  I do wonder if there will be any effects on Social Security.  By law, our monthly checks cannot be lowered if the cost of living goes down, but nothing except the Ten Commandments and our gravestones is engraved in stone.  I can't see the price of oil dropping much more without really hurting the industry.  They have to be able to meet their expenses, just like any other business.

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