Race Hustlers on Campus . . .

Started by redcliffsw, December 29, 2015, 06:50:34 AM

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I have been asked: If elite colleges do not create lower admission standards, how are they going to have enough black students? My response is: That's their problem. Black people cannot afford to have our youngsters turned into failures in order to support the agendas of diversity race hustlers and to lessen the guilt of white liberals.
-Dr. Walter E. Williams

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Diane Amberg

Students, of any background, who aspire to the so called "elite" schools need to have made that decision back in the early grades.That is where students learn time management, study skills and learn how to learn. Schools should not lower their standards for anyone. The students must rise to those standards or the standards are meaningless.


Government schools and their school boards are regulated by the government.

That's the best reason not to send your kids to a government school.

Diane Amberg

You don't have to. You have always had other options, including being stupid and quitting any and all of them before you get a complete education. You can sure show them! You can also repeat yourself over and over until people question your sanity.
Then one has the freedom to spend the rest of one's life figuring out who to blame for one's own dumb decisions. Stupid decisions do have consequences! Even at that, one can go back to school and fill in the blanks if they ever realize the error of their ways and finally get their head on straight.


What do you consider to be  a complete education ?

Diane Amberg

An education that allows one to read, write, spell and do research at a competent level, at least eighth grade, or higher, depending on their career or job choice, and be competent in math for the same.  For many, advanced math is essential. Now with calculators and computers that isn't such a big deal anymore. (Did you know that most magazines and publications are written at no more than eighth grade level?)
Of course history and social studies are important, but have fallen out of favor now to squeeze in more science and math. (STEM programs)
   That's why I strongly believe in more schooling after high school. Not necessarily college, but something that will drill down and take the individual further, with more details...more than just survey courses.
I still believe critical thinking skills are extremely important and as is learning to see through all the hog wash at all levels is paramount. Whether it's seeing through TV and written commercials, (the so-called fine print) or seeing through political campaign rhetoric that promises nothing after the election, it all has value. Some will have to be learned by experience.
Learning to ask a good meaningful question is important too...and knowing when the answer is worthwhile hearing.
There are a lot of slippery characters out there just waiting to prey on the uneducated and inexperienced...Think about the 2008 mess with the banking industry.That could happen again! As far as the nonsense over core curriculum, I don't really care. Get it out there somehow and stop babying the students.


So that's how you consider a complete education.

Yes, and a lot of those slippery characters have been preying on the uneducated and inexperienced for 150 years by using the government to force their will upon people.  There's a whole lot of hog wash being disseminated by the government schools as truths and we've all been indoctinated (taught) to believe the government hog wash as truth.


Diane Amberg

Your personal education was what? Bet you won't say.


So why bother to ask other than to show your yankee elitism and favor to a socialist America?

Diane Amberg

Wow, ya gots a pissy answer ta everything doncha?  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D. You really aren't interested in anything but reading your own narrow point of view and sandpapering everbody else, write? :P Talk about yer antisocial slugfart.
Quoth the Raven..."Never More."

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