
Started by Jane, December 27, 2015, 07:10:27 AM

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It is an outstanding day in Wakarusa. Plan on getting out in the yard and pick up limbs that have fallen out of the trees. Also play with our outside cats. Hope everyone enjoys their day.


Jane, it is 41, Cloudy and Windy now, the High today is supposed to be 57 the Low for tonight is supposed to be 36. We have not had any Snow, and very Few Frosts. I don't like cold weather. I had to walk to School in the Cold and in Snow.  We DID NOT have Overshoes or Very Warm Coats. WE were Poor, but DID NOT know it. I was RICH in all of the Family LOVE AND ATTENTION I got. My older Siblings said I was Spoiled, and I probably was. Coming from a BIG Family was GREAT having all of that LOVE, but the REALLY SAD THING IS being the Youngest, I have Buried my Parents and all but my Brother BOB.


My Dad always told me about the white horse he rode to school everyday rain or shine. I'am not so sure you all had it better then we did and I know better then the kids now days.


Jane did you get my response , telling you how long and how well Myrna and I have Known you and Rex. You are our FAVORITE Rex and Jane.


The sun is shining, the wind is blowing, it is a little more than chilly outside and there is a crocus in bloom in my front yard.  There are, also, tulips and jonquils coming up.  It doesn't feel like spring to me, but Mother Nature seems to know something that I don't.


Wilma, the Ground Hog, says it will be spring in 6 weeks. So I guess Mother Nature knows that.

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