“Terror Is Good Business”

Started by redcliffsw, December 10, 2015, 07:03:09 PM

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During the Vietnam War era, bumper-stickers advised parents: "War is good business: invest your son."  The same proposition can be updated to read: "Terror is good business: invest your children."  (We can no longer adhere to the sexist notion that only men should enjoy the "right" to be sent off to war to get their minds or bodies blown apart in service to the state. Feminists insist on such "rights" being extended to women as well.)

As the website, The Intercept, informs us, military defense contractors told investors at a recent conference of the benefits to be derived from an expansion of the war system. The president of Oshkosh stated that "with the ISIS threat growing," more countries want to buy more products from this industry. Raytheon's Chief Executive assured the audience that, after meeting with Saudi Arabia's king, events in the world will benefit the weapons industry: "It's all the turmoil they have going on, whether the turmoil's occurring in Yemen, whether it's with the Houthis, whether it's occurring in Syria or Iraq, with ISIS." Lockheed Martin's executive vice-president, speaking of the $607,000,000,000 allocation for defense spending in the approved federal budget, said: "Our programs are well supported. We think we did fare very well."

Keep such facts in mind, as alleged "ISIS operatives" engage in their destructive and murderous acts, and the established order's media salesmen/saleswomen continue to peddle the system's demands for more power to respond thereto;  and that you must be prepared to sacrifice your wealth and liberty, as well as the lives of your children and grandchildren for the "greater good." Don't ask for whose greater good this is to be done, for such a question might get you labeled a radical or extremist.
-Butler Shaffer


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